Grammar Quiz

Adjective or Adverb Quiz


You must answer this question ________.

A. correctly

B. correct

The test was very _______.

A. easily

B. easy

He is an _______ person.

A. awful

B. awfully

Live your life …

A. passionate

B. passionately

C. passionatelly

D. with passionate

It rained very ________.

A. heavy

B. heavily

They work very _______.

A. hard

B. hardly

Your English pronunciation is really …

A. good

B. well

C. better

Sugar is ______ for you.

A. bad

B. badly

Please, hold that plate …

A. careful

B. carefuly

C. carefully

That was a … answer, Eric. Well done!

A. clever

B. cleverly

C. clevery

She plays tennis very _________.

A. good

B. well

I slept ________ last night.

A. terrible

B. terribly

My sister speaks English really …

A. good

B. well

C. better

He should pass the test _______.

A. easily

B. easy

He’s a ________ actor.

A. terrible

B. terribly

Jane plays the piano …

A. beautiful

B. beautifully

C. beautifuly

If someone does not treat you …

A. respectful

B. respectfuly

C. respectfully

D. good

My dad is a _______ driver.

A. carefully

B. careful

It’s important to be …

A. successful

B. successfully

C. successfuly

She’s a ______ learner.

A. quick

B. quickly

When someone criticises you, you should react …

A. friendly

B. friendlily

C. in a friendly way

I can speak French very _______.

A. good

B. well

My friends say that I sing very _______.

A. badly

B. bad

Jake swims very _______.

A. fastly

B. fast

They ran ______ to the police station.

A. quick

B. quickly


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