Grammar Quiz

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[ Phrasal Verbs ]

What may happen if John will not arrive in time?

A. go along

B. go out

C. put on

D. turn up

Select your answer:

Topics :

Was and Were Grammar Rules Intermediate Grammar Simple Tenses Adjective & Adverbs Simple Past Noun, Verb, Adjective First Conditional Conjunctions & Cohesive Devices Comparison Degree & Gerunds Will or Going to First Conditional & Future Tenses Verbal Phrases Vocabullary Test Subordination Conjunctions Grammar - Similes Verbal Communication Grammar - First Conditional Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect and, so, but, because To Infinitive/Bare Infinitive/Gerunds Regular and Irregular Adverb Prepositions of Place and Time Present simple, Present continuous, Singular, Plural Adjectives & Prepositions First and Second Conditional Present Perfect vs Past Simple Tense Gerunds, Infinitives and Modals of Possibility Noun and Pronoun TOEFL Conditional Sentences Type I, II Past Simple, Present Perfect Tense Noun Clauses Comparative Adverbs Adverbial Clauses of Reason / Cause Finite and Non-Finite Verb Articles & Preposition Grammar - Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives Verb to have How much or How many? Used to - Would - Tenses Reported Speech and Subjunctive Preposition (at,in,on) Present Simple and Present Continuous Subjective and Objective Pronoun Places in Town Tenses of Verbs - Usage Modals of Obligation & Prohibition Noun Quantifiers Verb Tense Past Simple Tense Verbs - third person Conjunctions in Complex Sentences Noun Phrases going to Articles & Quantifiers Countable & Uncountable Nouns Tenses and Word Formation Wh- Questions Present Simple Tense Vocabulary and Tenses IN, ON & AT Adverbial Clauses of Manner and Result Verb + Infinitive or Gerund Gerund or Infinitives Verbs + Gerund or Infinitive Prepositions of Movement Possessive Pronouns Grammar - Present and Past Passive Simple Future - Will Direct Object and Indirect Object Gerunds/Infinitives FOR & SINCE Conjunction Present/Past/Past Particple English for Tourism Modal Verbs of Obligation Adverbs Simple Past Tenses Modals and Phrases Present/Past/Future Continuous Tense Present Perfect Connectors Types of Sentence Structure Past Participle Modals and Past Modals Zero & First Conditional Modal Verbs and Conjuctions Present Perfect Simple and Continuous Subject-Verb Agreement Grammar - help/have/let/make Dependent Preposition Possessive Adjective and Pronoun Past and Present Tenses Verbs with Prepositions and Conjunctions Vocab and Grammar A/An Sentence Types and Conjunctions Preference & Future Tense Adverbs of Time and Place Collective Nouns