Grammar Quiz

Adjectives or Adverbs Quiz


He said _______ nothing at the meeting.

A. hardly

B. nearly

C. scarcely

D. almost

He’s … than his sister.

A. as young

B. young

C. the youngest

D. younger

It’s … film I’ve ever seen.

A. the most beautiful

B. more beautiful

He has three brothers. John is the ______ of the three.

A. most cleverest

B. more clever

C. cleverest

D. cleverer

The woman smiled … at us, so I smiled back.

A. nice

B. in a nice way

C. nicely

We didn’t buy the house because the owner wanted __________ it was worth.

A. two times more as

B. twice as much as

C. as much as twice

D. as much twice as

The little girl is ______ too young to go to school.

A. quite

B. more

C. far

D. very

It smells …

A. good

B. well

Of all the questions, the last one is the __________ troublesome.

A. least

B. much

C. more

D. less

She does her work ______ than her classmates.

A. far more diligently

B. such more diligently

C.  so more diligently

D.  much more diligent

He walked 10 miles that day. He never thought he was able to walk ______ far.

A. such

B. that

C. so

D. B and C

The pianos in the other store are _________, but _________.

A. cheaper — not as better

B. cheaper … not as good

C. more cheap — not as better

D. more cheap — not as better

He usually works …

A. hard

B. hardly

They’re … people.

A. politely

B. polite

They came ______ than we had expected.

A. more later

B. much later

C. more late

D. much late

Africa is _________ second _________ continent in the world.

A. a — large

B. the — large

C.  the — larger

D. the — largest


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