Grammar Quiz

Adverbial Phrases Quiz


Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

We go jogging every weekend.

A. we go

B. go jogging

C. every weekend

D. we go jogging

Spot the fronted adverbial: To keep warm, I wore a woolly hat and scarf.

A. To keep warm,

B. I wore

C. a woolly hat and scarf.

Which of these adverbial phrases could be used to replace quietly?

A. As yellow as the Sun,

B. As quiet as a mouse,

C. In a nearby location,

D. With deafening loudness,

Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

She wrote the letter as neatly as possible.

A. wrote

B. wrote the letter

C. she wrote

D. as neatly as possible

Tomorrow, I am going to the park to play with my friends.

A. Frequency

B. Degree

C. Place

D. Time

What would be the best fronted adverbial to use for the sentence

_________________, he could see the tent.

A. Excitedly,

B. Happily,

C. Under the sea,

D. In the distance,

Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

The New Year’s Eve fireworks exploded with a loud bang.

A. exploded

B. with a loud bang

C. The New Year’s Eve

D. fireworks

Spot the fronted adverbial: Early on a Friday morning, Jack went for a jog through the park.

A. Jack went

B. Early on a Friday morning,

C. for a jog

D. through the park.

Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

The yellow cat sat and waited on the steps.

A. the yellow cat

B. sat and waited

C. the steps

D. on the steps

Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

The teacher told us not to talk so loudly.

A. teacher told us

B. not to talk

C. so loudly

D. told us


A. A word, phrase, or clause used to modify an adjective.

B. A word, phrase, or clause used at the beginning of a sentence to modify a noun.

C. A word, phrase, or clause used to modify a preposition.

D. A word, phrase, or clause used at the beginning of a sentence to modify a verb.

Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

Yesterday evening we took our dog for a walk and he ran away!

A. we took our dog

B. Yesterday evening

C. he ran away

D. and

E. we took our dog for a walk

Where does a fronted adverbial come in a sentence?

A. First

B. In the middle

C. At the end

D. No where

Which of these is NOT an adverbial phrase?

A. In the morning

B. on the desk

C. jumped

D. with great speed

What is a fronted adverbial?

A. A verb (doing word)

B. A noun in a sentence

C. A phrase that adds something to a verb

D. A phrase that adds something to a noun

Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

Donna waited quite patiently in the queue for the singer’s autograph.

A. quite patiently

B. waited patiently

C. in the queue

D. singer’s autograph

Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

Max declared, in an angry tone, “I will not eat my peas!”

A. Max declared

B. I will not eat my peas!

C. in an angry tone

D. Max declared, in an angry tone

Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

My friend gave me the library book in the hall.

A. gave me

B. the library book

C. in the hall

D. my friend

Identify the purpose of the fronted adverbial:

Nervously, Sameera started to sing on stage.

A. Time

B. Place

C. Frequency

D. Manner

Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

Jenny tried to talk to Peter underneath the bridge.

A. underneath the bridge

B. tried to

C. the bridge

D. to Peter

Choose the adverbial phrase in the following sentence:

They moved stealthily and quietly through the forest.

A. through the forest

B. they moved

C. moved stealthily

D. stealthily and quietly

Identify the purpose of the fronted adverbial:

From her window, the princess let down her hair.

A. Time

B. Place

C. Frequency

D. Manner

Spot the fronted adverbial: Although she was scared, Rosie watched the horror film.

A. Although she was scared,

B. Rosie watched

C. the horror film.


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