Grammar Quiz

Analogy Quiz

English multiple-choice grammar quiz about Analogy


absent : present :: ask : ___________ 
A. question
B. talk
C. hand
D. answer

thin : slender :: obese : ____________ 
A. skinny
B. fat
C. healthy
D. medium

happy : sad :: tall :______________
A. short
B. big
C. huge
D. basketball players

locker: storage :: __________________
A. telephone: communication
B. wallet: cash
C. pencil: paper
D. lake: moisture

aluminum : metal :: _____________________
A. limerick: poetry
B. mathematics: numbers
C. rain: season
D. water: thirst

right : correct :: under : ______

A. below

B. under

C. beside

D. over

sleeve : shirt :: bulb : ___________ 
A. cord
B. light
C. book
D. lamp

argue : agree :: hot : _________ 
A. cold
B. warm
C. lava
D. igloo

chat : talk :: rush : _______
A. hurry
B. walk
C. whisper
D. relax

rain : falls :: wind : ___
A. storm
B. blows
C. tornado
D. windy

flutter : flag :: cut : ___
A. bleed
B. pierce
C. meat
D. scissors

sick : ill ::  weary : _______ 
A. lazy
B. awake
C. tired
D. energetic

amateur : professional :: fiction : ___
A. books
B. story
C. whimsy
D. nonficiton

optional : mandatory :: manual : ___
A. instructions
B. hand
C. mechanized
D. small book

view : scene :: hear : ___
A. heard
B. ear
C. perceptible
D. sound

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