Grammar Quiz

Articles and Pronouns Quiz


________ flowers in _______ garden smell so sweet.

A. the, a

B. a, an

C. the, the

Select the best pronoun to complete the sentence.

It makes ____ laugh every time!

A. ourselves

B. us

What is a pronoun in the following sentence?

Harry showed his father the new medal.

A. Harry

B. showed

C. his

D. the

Puan Maryam has _____ one year old daughter.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. –

click the correct one.

A. the US

B. a US

Find the nouns in the sentence :
“My sister has a beautiful house.”

A. sister, has

B. sister, beautiful

C. beautiful, house

D. sister, house

Choose the pronoun that would take the place of the word or words in green.

Peter and Susan went to talk to the

A. him

B. her

C. them

D. it

Find the nouns in the sentence :
“You like sour apples, but I like sweet fruit.”

A. sour, apples

B. sour, sweet

C. apples, fruit

D. fruit, sour

________ moon is ________ satellite of __________ earth while sun is ______ star.

A. a, an, the, the

B. a, a , the, the

C. the, the, the , a

What is an article in the following sentence?

The dog wagged its tail.

A. The

B. its

C. wagged

______ Sarah is the smartest girl.

A. A

B. An

C. The

D. –

Select the best pronoun to complete the sentence.

Did you see ____ on television last night.

A. herself

B. her

Select the best pronoun to complete the sentence.

He helped ___ fix the flat tire.

A. me

B. myself

Choose the pronoun that would take the place of the word or words in green.

“Lucy and I were playing a pretend game,”
said Edmund.

A. They

B. She

C. It

D. We

The articles are . . .

A. a, an, the

B. am, a, this

C. is, was, were

D. nouns, pronouns, adjectives

Which article completes the sentence correctly? “I found ___ blue eggshell in my yard.”

A. a

B. an

I went to the shop and bought ____ cap, ____ nice dress and ____ pair of shoes.

A. an, a, the

B. an, the, a

C. a, a, a

Which word is a pronoun?

A. He

B. She

C. They

D. All of them

We use ‘an’ before consonant letters



What is a common noun?

A. Replaces a noun in a sentence

B. Formed by adding -self or -selves

C. A person, place, thing or idea

Hailey has ____________ pink bag.

A. a

B. an

C. the

We use a/an before:

A. any noun

B. Singular nouns

C. Plural nouns

What is a pronoun?

A. A word that takes the place of a noun.

B. A word that takes the place of verbs.

C. A word that takes the place of adjectives.

D. A word that takes the place of adverbs.

What is the pronoun in this sentence?

Lucy ventured into the wardrobe, and she discovered Narnia.

A. Lucy

B. into

C. wardrobe

D. she

What do we call a word that replaces a noun?

A. Pronoun

B. Article

C. Verb


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