Grammar Quiz

Auxiliary and Modal Verbs Quiz


Which modal auxiliary is used to express certainty?

A. May

B. Could

C. Might

D. Can

What is the main function of the modal auxiliary ‘can’?

A. Expressing obligation

B. Forming passive tenses

C. Asking for permission

D. Expressing probability

Which modal auxiliary is used to express prediction?

A. Will

B. Would

C. Should

D. Shall

Which modal auxiliary is more formal when asking for permission?

A. Can

B. Could

C. May

D. Might

What is the main function of the modal auxiliary ‘needn’t’?

A. Expressing obligation

B. Forming passive tenses

C. Expressing possibility

D. Asking for permission

Which characteristic do modal auxiliary verbs share with primary auxiliaries?

A. They must be followed by a full infinitive

B. They can be used in the progressive tense

C. They lack a full set of forms

D. They have proper past tenses

What is the equivalent expression for ‘be able to’?

A. May

B. Can

C. Might

D. Could

How many forms does the auxiliary verb ‘be’ have for the present?

A. Five

B. Three

C. Four

D. Six

How many modal auxiliary verbs are there in English?

A. Fifteen

B. Eight

C. Ten

D. Twelve

What is the main function of the modal auxiliary ‘must’?

A. Expressing obligation

B. Expressing probability

C. Asking for permission

D. Forming passive tenses

In which tense is ‘could’ used to express ability?

A. Future

B. Conditional

C. Present

D. Past

Which modal auxiliary is used to give a strong recommendation?

A. Might

B. May

C. Could

D. Can

What is the equivalent expression for ‘used to’?

A. Can

B. Could

C. Might

D. May

Which of the following is a function of the auxiliary verb ‘do’?

A. Expressing future tense

B. Asking for permission

C. Forming continuous tenses

D. Expressing obligation

Which of the following is a use of the auxiliary verb ‘have’?

A. Expressing future tense

B. Forming passive tenses

C. Expressing possibility

D. Asking for permission


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