Grammar Quiz

Conjunctions and Commas Quiz


She likes chocolate pudding _______ vanilla ice cream for dessert.

A. because

B. so

C. and

D. but

The family didn’t want to be late for the movie _______ they hurried.

A. but

B. or

C. because

D. so

Do you want to play the violin _____ the piano?

A. or

B. but

Choose the sentence with the correct comma usage.

A. My sister asked “Where are you going?”

B. My sister asked “,Where are you going?”

C. My sister asked, “Where are you going?”

Where does the comma go?

After his students asked him questions Mr. Ross decided he needed to research the Holocaust.

A. after students

B. after Mr. Ross

C. after decided

D. after questions

Which is written correctly?

A. Portage, Indiana

B. Portage Indiana

C. portage, indiana

D. portage, Indiana

He knew the answer ______ was too shy to raise his hand.

A. because

B. but

C. so

D. or

Liam plays the drums, _____ Angel plays the trombone.

A. and

B. or

Mr. Norton likes to read _____ Eva practices singing.

A. however

B. while

Would you like to go to the park _____ would you rather go to the show?

A. or

B. and

C. but

D. because

__________ traveling by plane is fast, its expensive and  bad for the environment. 

A. So

B. Although

C. If

D. And

Mr. Norton wondered if he should take a nap in the morning _____ in the afternoon.

A. or

B. unless

My mom _________ dad took me to the movies to see “Frozen”.

A. because

B. and

C. although

D. so

We bought milk at the grocery store ________ we ran out.

A. so

B. because

C. and

D. or

Gabriel ran fast, _________ he still did not win the race.

A. and

B. so

C. but

D. if

We could not sleep ________ it was hot and humid.

A. so

B. and

C. because

D. although

______ he is late, then we will go to the movie without him.

A. Although

B. Because

C. So

D. If

You live in Adrian Missouri.

A. You live in Adrian Missouri.

B. You live in, Adrian Missouri.

C. You live in Adrian, Missouri.

D. You live, in Adrian Missouri.

Where does the comma go?

Before becoming a teacher Ben Ross went to college.

A. after teacher

B. after Ross

C. after to

D. after before

Which sentence has correct punctuation?

A. Dear friend,

B. dear friend,

C. dear Friend,

D. Dear, friend

Which of these uses commas correctly.

A. I saw cat pigs horses and tigers at the zoo.

B. I saw cats, pigs, horses and tigers at the zoo.

Eloise has been very busy _____ she started school.

A. but

B. since

 I had a cute puppy _____ I lost him. 

A. and

B. although

C. so

D. but

Which sentence has the commas correct?

A. My favorite sports are soccer, basketball, and tennis.

B. My favorite sports are soccer basketball and tennis.

C. My favorite sports are soccer basketball, and tennis.

Which sentences is written correctly?

A. Dear emily,

B. dear emily,

C. Dear Emily,

D. Dear, Emily


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