Grammar Quiz

Conjunctions & Prepositions Quiz


Prepositions connect parts of a sentence together and usually show placement or time.



Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

He wanted to watch TV. However, he had homework to do.

A. wanted


C. However

D. homework

Identify the preposition in the following sentence.

He placed third in the race.

A. He

B. placed

C. in

D. race

Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

Tom loves Daisy, but Tom also loves Myrtle.

A. loves

B. but

C. also

D. loves

Identify the preposition in the following sentence.

Since it was late, Mr. Webster went to bed.

A. Since

B. late

C. decided

D. to

Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

Although the day was long, at least it was cool.

A. Although

B. was

C. at

D. it

Conjunctions show the relationship between clauses and phrases (such as showing which clause is a subordinate or main clause)



Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

While pizza is great, chicken is good too.

A. While

B. pizza

C. great

D. is

Identify the preposition in the following sentence.

This is the last question written by Mr. Webster tonight.

A. last

B. written

C. by

D. tonight

Identify the preposition in the following sentence.

The dog chased for the bone.

A. The

B. chased

C. for

D. the bone

Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

She left home after she ate breakfast.

A. She

B. left

C. home

D. after

Identify the preposition in the following sentence.

After she quit her job, she threw a party at her house.

A. After

B. her

C. a

D. at

Identify the preposition in the following sentence.

She couldn’t wait to get to bed.

A. She

B. wait

C. to

D. bed

Identify the preposition in the following sentence.

By October, the students were already exhausted.

A. By

B. were

C. already

D. exhausted

Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

He likes playing football and soccer.

A. He

B. likes

C. playing

D. and

Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

Because it rained heavily, the roads were slippery.

A. Because

B. heavily

C. the

D. were

Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

Mr. Webster ate chile for dinner, and he ate it with some bread.

A. ate

B. for

C. and

D. with

Prepositions are always followed by a direct object or indirect object (a noun that receives the action)



Identify the conjunction in the following sentence.

They were upset by their loss because they felt like their chances were good.

A. were

B. by

C. because

D. like

The conjunctions For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So (FANBOYS) connect two main clauses, while other conjunctions show subordinating clauses.




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