Grammar Quiz

★ Conjunctive Adverbs

What’s the best way to combine these sentences?:

Timmy likes unicorns.
Timmy likes lollipops.

A. Timmy likes unicorns, so he likes lollipops.

B. Because Timmy likes unicorns, he likes lollipops.

C. Timmy likes unicorns; meanwhile, he likes lollipops.

D. Timmy likes unicorns; additionally, he likes lollipops.

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Roberta didn’t have all the ingredients to bake a cake.
She decided to prepare something else.

A. Roberta didn’t have all the ingredients to bake a cake; finally, she decided to prepare something else.

B. Roberta didn’t have all the ingredients to bake a cake; indeed, she decided to prepare something else.

C. Roberta didn’t have all the ingredients to bake a cake; therefore, she decided to prepare something else.

D. Roberta didn’t have all the ingredients to bake a cake; however, she decided to prepare something else.


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