Grammar Quiz

Coordinating Conjunctions Quiz


We can understand it ____ reason it.

A. nor

B. or

The cat is not young, _____ he is playful _____ friendly.

A. for, yet

B. and, so

C. but, and

D. nor, but

He is very happy, _____ he got a promotion at work.

A. so

B. yet

C. and

D. for

He always loved jazz _____ blues ____ he had always been a fan of music, ____ he decided to study at music school ____ he couldn’t decide whether to major in voice ____ guitar.

A. and, for, so, but, or

B. or, and, so, but, or

C. and, so, for, and, or

D. and, for, so, but, and

When joining two independent clauses together with a comma, a _____ is also needed.

A. Verb

B. Noun

C. Coordinating Conjunction

D. Preposition

I need to finish this project, _____ I am feeling very tired.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. nor

I am trying to save money, _____ I keep spending it on things I don’t need.

A. and

B. so

C. or

D. yet

My cousin Sam in not athletic, ______ is he coordinated.

A. nor

B. yet

C. so

D. and

Is the sentence correct?

My brother doesn’t want me in his room yet that’s where the computer is.

A. Correct

B. Incorrect

She loves to dance, _____ she never has time to practice.

A. but

B. or

C. and

D. so

William is not feeling well ____ am I.

A. nor

B. or

We wanted to watch the play, ______ the tickets were too expensive.

A. yet

B. for

C. so

D. but

You some examples of conjunctions are for, yet, so, but, ____ and.

A. or

B. and

C. so

D. but

He is a good student, _____ he loves to study.

A. nor

B. yet

C. but

D. for

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

A. Summer is almost here, but we still have more work to do.

B. Summer is almost here, but, we still have more work to do.

Susan did not talk to her friends _______ did she call her mother.

A. nor

B. or

The jacket cannot be mine _____ it is too big.

A. for

B. yet

C. so

D. and

I had a map,___we got lost anyway.

A. so

B. but

C. or

I need to buy new shoes, _____ my old ones are falling apart.

A. nor

B. but

C. so

D. for

Sally studied intensely for her math test, _____ she got a good grade in class.

A. so

B. for

C. and

D. yet

I ran to school, _____ I didn’t arrive late.

A. for

B. and

C. but

D. so

Which of the following is the correctly written sentence?

A. The girl was short but, she still could play basketball.

B. The girl was short but she still could play basketball.

C. The girl was short, but she still could play basketball.

I want to eat ice cream, _____ I am trying to eat healthier.

A. so

B. for

C. and

D. but

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

A. I like to go hiking in the mountains, but my husband prefers to walk on the beach.

B. I like to go hiking in the mountains but, my husband prefers to walk on the beach.

We didn’t ask for discount, _____ did the store offer one.

A. nor

B. but

C. yet

D. so


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