Grammar Quiz

Correlative conjunctions Quiz


Neither Uncle Bill’s cats nor his dog _______ allowed to enter Grandma’s house.

A. is

B. are

C. isn’t

D. aren’t

We are going to be late. Renee has _____brushed her teeth____ combed her hair.

A. either; or

B. neither; nor

C. both; and

D. no sooner; than

_____ _____ did Marcus fail math this year, _____ _____ English.

A. Not only … but also

B. Both … and

_____ we go to San Francisco _____ New York for our holidays, I’ll be happy.

A. Either … or

B. Whether … or

If I buy that dress, _____ I’ll have no lunch money _____ no bus fare for the month.

A. either … or

B. neither … nor

Choose the sentence that is most balanced.

A. Neither singing nor my dance skills are very good.

B. I neither sing nor dancing is much fun.

C. I neither sing nor dance.

D. All of the sentences are well balanced.

I can’t decide _____ I should take French next year _____ take Spanish.

A. either … or

B. whether … or

Both the grass and the bushes ______ to be trimmed.

A. needs

B. need

C. will needs

D. was needed

_____ Alex _____ Carlos applied for the job.

A. Whether … or

B. Both … and

I found _____ my homework _____ my textbook under my bed.

A. both … and

B. whether … or

_____ my stereo _____ my laptop quit working last week.

A. Both … and

B. Whether … or

I can’t decide _____ to play soccer this year _____ take gymnastics.

A. neither … nor

B. whether … or

_____ Chelsea _____ Miranda made the basketball team, even though they practiced hard.

A. Either … or

B. Neither … nor

_____ _____ did she do well on the math test, _____ she _____ got an A on her social studies report.

A. Not only … but also

B. Either … or

Maybe Dennis will get accepted by Stanford University by the end of this month. Maybe he’ll get rejected.

A. Dennis will either get accepted by Stanford University or get rejected.

B. Either Dennis will get accepted or will get rejected by Stanford University by the end of the month.

C. Dennis will either get accepted or get rejected by Stanford University by the end of this month.

_______ we eat before the movie _______ after the movie makes no difference to me.

A. Both; and

B. Whether; or

C. If; then

D. Either, or

_____ I can go to the movies on Saturday, _____ I can go to the mall.

A. Neither … nor

B. Either … or

_____ you clean your room _____ you will stay home this weekend.

A. Either … or

B. Neither … nor

You may use ____ a red pen or a red marker to correct your spelling pretest.

A. either

B. neither

C. both

D. not one

I only like ketchup on my cheeseburger. Therefore, I want _______ pickles _______ mustard.

A. either; or

B. neither; nor

C. not only; but also

D. no sooner; than

Neither my yo-yo nor my ball ______ as fun as my tablet.

A. are

B. is

C. aren’t

D. isn’t

_____ my brother _____ my sister can go to the game.

A. Whether … or

B. Neither … nor

_____ you clean your room _____ you will stay home this weekend.

A. Either … or

B. Neither … nor

Choose the sentence that is most balanced.

A. I both want a new bike and a new helmet.

B. I want both a new bike, and I also need a new helmet that fits my head.

C. I want both a new bike and a new helmet.

D. All of the sentences are well balanced.

Marissa found _____ _____ the shoes she had lost _____ _____ her favorite necklace.

A. not only … but also

B. neither … nor


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