My father once said to me, “If I can’t trust my people, then I don’t want to be doing this.”
A. His father once told him that if he couldn’t trust his people then he didn’t want to be doing that.
B. My father once told me that if he couldn’t trust his people then he didn’t want to be doing that.
C. My father once told me that if he couldn’t trust my people then he didn’t want to be doing that.
D. My father once told me that if he couldn’t trust his people then he didn’t want to be doing this.
Preview next quiz:
Kiran asked me, “Did you see the cricket match on television last night?”
A. Kiran asked me whether I saw the cricket match on television the earlier night.
B. Kiran asked me whether I had seen the cricket match on television the earlier night.
C. Kiran asked me did I see the cricket match on television last night.
D. Kiran asked me whether I had seen the cricket match on television last night.