Grammar Quiz

Future Tense Vocabulary Quiz


someone wearing glasses

A. Overreacting

B. Bespectacled

C. Apprentice

D. Merely

excited and full of anticipation

A. obstacle

B. avoid

C. sensation

D. psyched


A. feeling better after feeling anxious or worried

B. to respond more emotionally than what is called for in a situation

C. to have a commanding influence over something or someone

D. to stay away from something or keep away from something

to flow out or leak slowly​ ​ ​ (a)   _​

A. Iota

B. distracting

C. seeping

D. psyched

a small or trivial detail about something

A. Bespectacled

B. Manipulative

C. Minutiae

D. renew


A. to resume or start again after an interruption of some kind

B. not paying attention as well as you should

C. someone who helps and learns from someone more knowledgeable

D. having control of the situation or someone not in a good way


A. something that is in your way

B. to have a commanding influence over something or someone

C. having control of the situation or someone not in a good way

D. a small or trivial detail about something

to stay away from something or keep away from something

A. avoid

B. merely

C. obstacle

D. relieved

to resume or start again after an interruption of some kind

A. psyched

B. Iota

C. renew

D. Minutiae

an extremely small amount

A. manufactured

B. relieved

C. Minutiae

D. Iota

to be sick to your stomach

A. Minutiae

B. Overreacting

C. Alertly

D. Nauseatingly

to be aware of something

A. mimic

B. alertly

C. seeping

D. manufactured


A. to imitate or do the same thing as someone else

B. something that is in your way

C. something that is made; to make something

D. a weird physical feeling 


A. someone who helps and learns from someone more knowledgeable

B. someone who helps and learns from someone more knowledgeable

C. to have a commanding influence over something or someone

D. to stay away from something or keep away from something


A. someone who helps and learns from someone more knowledgeable

B. to imitate or do the same thing as someone else

C. feeling better after feeling anxious or worried

D. having control of the situation or someone not in a good way

not paying attention as well as you should

A. Nauseatingly

B. Avoid

C. Distracting

D. Bespectacled-

to imitate or do the same thing as someone else

A. Bespectacled

B. mimic

C. Nauseatingly

D. Apprentice

just or only; barely

A. Bespectacled

B. merely

C. renew

D. dominated


A. not paying attention as well as you should

B. just or only; barely

C. a weird physical feeling 

D. having control of the situation or someone not in a good way

something that is in your way

A. apprentice

B. avoid

C. obstacle

D. Bespectacled


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