Grammar Quiz

Gerund & Infinitive Quiz


He suggests ……. after lunch.

A. to meet

B. meeting

I don’t mind ……… on cycle paths.

A. to ride

B. riding

I promise ……. on time.

A. to arrive

B. arriving

She feels like ……. ice cream.

A. to eat

B. eating

I want …… shopping.

A. to go

B. going

Impatient people can’t stand ………… for long hours.

A. to wait

B. waiting

He asked me how …. (go) to the zoo

A. to go

B. going

I learned ………. French in primary school.

A. to speak

B. speaking

Martin admitted ………………. (steal) the money from the safe.

A. to steal

B. stealing

She avoids ………. into town at night.

A. to go

B. going

That man managed …….. me.

A. to rescue

B. rescuing

Manuela chose ……… a job in Paris.

A. to take

B. taking

Let’s practise …… our dance routine.

A. to do

B. doing

You can’t afford …….. a new dress.

A. to buy

B. buying

Barbara celebrated ……………….. (win) the TV contest.

A. to win

B. winning

Can you imagine ………. in Hollywood?

A. to work

B. working

Haris doesn’t need ………….. (do) the final exams.

A. to do

B. doing

Excuse me, do you mind ………… (clean) the table, please!

A. to clean

B. cleaning

They expected ………. a lot of the same things as home.

A. to have

B. having

The couple chose ………….(spend) their honeymoon in Canada.

A. to spend

B. spending

It was difficult to climb up the mountain but we kept ……….(go)

A. to go

B. going

What did you decide …….. ?

A. to do

B. doing

My neighbour enjoys ……….. (collect) stamps and coins.

A. to collect

B. collecting

We offered ……. him a lift.

A. to give

B. giving

Your sister wished …………. (visit) Canada in Summer.

A. visiting

B. to visit


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