Grammar Quiz

going to Quiz


Cual es la oración en inglés para:

Eric va a comprar una camisa nueva.

A. Eric is going to buy a new shirt.

B. Eric going to buy a new shirt.

C. Eric is going to buy a shirt.

D. Eric is buying a new shirt.

We ___________ going to play soccer.

A. are

B. ‘are

C. is

D. am

Steve / going / is / to / be / the / barbecue / at / ?

A. Is Steve going be at the barbecue?

B. Is Steve go to be at the barbecue?

C. Is Steve going to be at the barbecue?

D. Steve going to be at the barbecue?

wear / I’m / jeans / going / a / T-shirt / to / and

A. I’m going wear a T-shirt and jeans.

B. I’m going to wear a T-shirt jeans.

C. I’m going to wear T-shirt and jeans.

D. I’m going to wear a T-shirt and jeans.

going / him / I’m / tell / no, / not / to

A. No, I’m not going tell him.

B. No, not I’m going to tell him.

C. No, I’m not going to tell him.

D. No, I’m going not tell him.

you / to / tell / him / going / are / ?

A. are you going to tell him

B. Are you going to tell him?

C. Are you going to tell to him?

D. Are you going tell him?

We use “GOING TO” to talk about _______.

A. past

B. future

C. negative

D. affirmative

Are you going ____________ the church?

A. going to go to

B. to go to

C. go to

D. to go

Selecciona la versión en inglés de la siguiente oración:

Nosotros vamos a viajar a Cancun este verano.

A. We are traveling to Cancun this summer.

B. We are not going to travel to Cancun this summer.

C. We’re going to travel to Cancun this summer.

going / Susan/ to / is/ read / book/ a

A. Susan going to read a book.

B. Susan is going to read a book.

C. Susan is going read a book.

D. Susan is going to read book.

Anthony _______ going to make a cake.

A. is

B. ‘is

C. ‘si

D. ‘not is

watch / I’m / a / to / TV / going

A. I’m going watch TV.

B. I going to watch TV.

C. I’m not going to watch TV.

D. I’m going to watch TV.

What is the use of the future going to? / cual es el uso del future going to

A. Hablar de una situación del pasado

B. Expresar una intención para hacer una actividad en el futuro

C. Dar un consejo

late / we / are / going / be / to

A. We are going be late.

B. are We going to be late.

C. We are going to be late.

D. We are go to be late.

Hey, we are ____________ to order the classroom in the afternoon.

A. going

B. goin’

C. goint

D. go

My friends are _______________ to swim in the lake.

A. going

B. doing

C. swimming

D. pool

Qué significa “I am going to”

A. Iré a …

B. Voy a …

C. Fui a …

D. Iba a …

What’s the grammar structure for questions? (¿cuál es la estructura gramatical para preguntas?)

A. Subject + verb to be + going to + verb ?

B. Verb to be + subject + going to + verb ?

C. Verb to be + going to + subject + verb ?

What’s the main usage of “be going to”? (Cuál es el uso del “be going to”?)

A. Para hablar sobre cosas en pasado.

B. Para predecir cosas a futuro.

C. Para hablar sobre planes a futuro.

D. Para hablar sobre planes ya finalizados

Los pronombres personales son

A. Mine/You/His/She/It/Us/Them

B. I/Your/He/Her/Its/We/They

C. I/You/He/She/It/You/We/They

D. My/You/Him/She/It/Our/Their


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