Grammar Quiz

Have to / Do not have to Quiz


Which sentence is talking a bout things that are important because of rules (quy tắc) and situations (tình huống)?

A. I have to wear a school uniform.

B. I wear a school uniform.

_______ you please pass me that book over there?

A. Could

B. May not

C. Might

D. Can’t

Have to/ don’t have to + …

A. Verb bare form

B. V-ing

C. Verb past simple

D. Verb participle

Which one is negative form of have to?

A. don’t have to

B. have not to

…………… do your homework every afternoon?

A. You have to

B. Do you have to

C. Does you have to

You want to come on holiday with your friend. What should you say to her?

A. Can you go on holiday with me?

B. Can I go on holiday with you?

Children _________ bring their teddy bears to school.

A. may

B. were

C. are

D. today

He _____________________ be strong and brave.

A. have to

B. doesn’t have to

C. has to

D. don’t have to

A: Can I borrow your car for tonight?
B: No, I’m afraid you __________.

A. can’t

B. couldn’t

When he was young he ________ dance all night long.

A. can

B. may

C. could

D. I don’t know

Athletes ______________ train in a gym. It is not necessary.

A. have to

B. don’t have to

C. have

D. has to

My sister _____________ wear uniform at school

A. have to

B. don’t have to

C. has to

D. doesn’t have

Which one is question form of have to?

A. Do/does + S + have to + Verb bare

B. Have to/ Has to + S + Verb bare

______ you speak Chinese?

A. Can

B. Might not

C. Was

D. Is

Students __________ arrive on time to class.

A. don’t have to

B. have to

C. has to

D. doesn’t have to

Nowadays, people ______ travel very easily all over Europe

A. Can

B. may not

C. are

D. could not

Luis and Ana ____________ take another exam to pass the course. It is not necessary.

A. have to

B. has to

C. doesn’t have to

D. don’t have to


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