Grammar Quiz

IELTS Vocabulary Quiz


when you need someone or something in order to exist or continue as before

A. focus on

B. drawback

C. dependence (on)

D. the next step

to use any information that you have to guess how much something will cost

A. estimate the cost

B. produce profitably

C. infrastructure

D. elease into the atmosphere

something that produces a lot of electricity

A. power station/ power plant

B. a major source of electricity

C. fossil fuels

D. infrastructure

to use any information that you have to guess how much something will cost

A. estimate the cost up

B. advance payment

C. harness energy

D. zero emissions

a place where animals and plants live and are protected

A. nature reserve

B. release into the atmosphere

C. natural habitat

D. yield

If something such as a machine or an industry has zero emissions, it does not release any harmful substances into the atmosphere.

A. estimate the cost

B. zero emissions

C. harness energy

D. renewable energy

to produce something in such a way that it makes profit

A. produce profitably

B. advance payment

C. calculate

D. destruction

the place where animals live or plants grow naturally

A. zero emissions

B. nature reserve

C. scenery

D. natural habitat

areas of land that have not been changed or damaged by people

A. sceptical

B. rising sea levels

C. calculate

D. unspoilt countryside

the increased height of the level of seas and oceans

A. destruction

B. rising sea levels

C. climate change

D. challenge

a type of animal or plant that soon may not exist because there are very few now alive

A. wildlife conservation programme

B. endangered species

C. fresh air

D. extinction


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