Grammar Quiz

Intensifiers: Really vs Very Quiz


I find some tasks _______ boring

A. really

B. very

C. both

They _______ put a lot of effort into their projects.

A. really

B. very

C. both

I ______ enjoy networking events.

A. really

B. very

C. both

I am ________ sorry. It won’t happen again.

A. really

B. very

C. both

Make sure employees understand their goals from the ______ beginning

A. really

B. very

C. both

How beneficial is it to have a ______ strict manager?

A. really

B. very

C. both

I’m super involved in distance learning at the moment. _______?

A. really

B. very

C. both

I ______ enjoy learning about different selling techniques.

A. really

B. very

C. both

They sat at the ______ back of the truck.

A. really

B. very

C. both

She is ________ good at coding.

A. really

B. very

C. both

We _______ want this company to thrive.

A. really

B. very

C. both

I ______ love my job!

A. really

B. very

C. both

He had to wait until the ______ end to bring up the topic.

A. really

B. very

C. both

We still do not have enough women at the _______ top.

A. really

B. very

C. both

She ______ makes her work seem easy.

A. really

B. very

C. both

They made me feel at home from the ______ beginning.

A. really

B. very

C. both

I don’t ______ like meetings so much.

A. really

B. very

C. both


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