Grammar Quiz

Modals for Obligation Quiz


I’m lucky because I ________________ wake up early in the morning

A. don’t have to

B. shouldn’t

Choose the best option:

Charlie _______ work on Sundays, but he often goes into the office.

A. don’t have to

B. has to

C. doesn’t have to

D. shouldn’t

You ____ come with me; I can go alone.

A. mustn’t

B. shouldn’t

C. don’t have to

D. didn’t have to

I _____ get up really early yesterday. I had a meeting at 8.00

A. must

B. have to

C. had to

D. should

Choose the best option:

Tania’s so rich she ______ work.

A. doesn’t have to

B. can’t

C. must

When taking a test, we _________ cheat. It is prohibited!

A. should

B. don’t have to

C. can’t

D. have to

Johnny! You _______ play with sharp knives. Put that knives down immediately!

A. don’t have to

B. have to

C. mustn’t

D. must

He works in a call-centre and he sometimes _____ work at night.

A. should

B. has to

C. must

D. shouldn’t

Did you _____ extend your visa so that you could stay for longer?

A. must

B. ought to

C. have to

D. should

Come to my birthday party. You don’t _____ buy me a present, just come. I’d love to see you.

A. must

B. mustn’t

C. have to

D. shouldn’t

I’ve already finished all my work, so I _______ study tonight. I think I’ll read for a while.

A. don’t have to

B. have to

C. must

D. mustn’t

Choose the best option:

Children under 16 _________ smoke in England. It’s illegal.

A. don’t have to

B. must not

C. can

Choose the best option:

Jim ______ study for the Final Exam, there is no other option if he wants to pass.

A. have to

B. can

C. should

D. has to

The entrance for the art gallery is free. You ______________ pay.

A. should

B. can

C. don’t have to

D. have to

Doctors _____________ wear makeup for work. They can decide to wear it or not.

A. shouldn’t

B. don’t have to

C. should

D. can’t

You _____________________ pay attention in class.

A. must

B. mustn’t

It is not mandatory to wear a tie, this means that you ___ wear one

A. Must

B. Should

C. Should not

D. Don’t have to

At the zoo, we ____________ feed the animals. They might get sick!

A. should

B. don’t have to

C. can’t

D. have to

Find a similar sentence:

My parents made it obligatory for me to stay home on weekdays.

A. I can’t stay home on weekdays.

B. I should stay home on weekdays.

C. I have to stay home on weekdays.

D. I’m able to stay home on weekdays.

Choose the best option:

You ______ be late for work.

A. don’t have to

B. must not

C. have to

Choose the best option:

You _______ eat if you don’t want to. It’s your choice.

A. don’t have to

B. can’t

C. should

I ______ forget to take my key with me.

A. must

B. mustn’t

C. don’t have to

D. have to

Choose the best option:

We ____________ miss the last bus.

A. don’t have to

B. must not

C. shouldn’t

D. has to

Young people _____________ do military service anymore. It stopped last year.

A. have to

B. can’t

C. should

D. don’t have to

I __________________ get good grades, so I can go to university.

A. can’t

B. have to

C. don’t have to


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