Grammar Quiz

Narrative Tenses Quiz


What is a common signal word for the past perfect tense in a narrative?

A. Now

B. Before

C. Next

D. Against

What is a primary function of using narrative tenses in storytelling?

A. To confuse the reader

B. To create suspense

C. All are correct

D. To organize events in a logical sequence

When telling a story, which tense is commonly used for main events or actions?

A. Present simple

B. Past continuous

C. Future simple

D. Past simple

Which tense is commonly used for flashbacks or actions that happened before the main story?

A. Present perfect

B. Past continuous

C. Past perfect continuous

D. Past perfect

When telling a story, which tense might you use for actions that were habitual or repeated in the past?

A. Present perfect

B. Past continuous

C. Past simple

D. Future

When telling a story, what does the past perfect continuous tense emphasize?

A. Completed actions

B. Ongoing duration before another past event

C. Future events

D. Facts and habits

When should you use a mix of narrative tenses in a story?

A. To create confusion

B. Always

C. To add variety and detail

D. None is correct

When do we use the past perfect continuous tense in a narrative?

A. To describe a complete actions

B. To emphasize ongoing duration before another past event

C. For general truths

D. All are correct

What is a typical signal word for the past continuous tense in a narrative?

A. Yesterday

B. While

C. Always

D. Regarding

What tense is suitable for expressing an action that happened before another past event?

A. Past perfect

B. Past continuous

C. Past simple

D. Past perfect continuous

In a sequence of events, which tense is typically used for the earliest action?

A. Past continuous

B. Past perfect continuous

C. Present continuous

D. Past perfect

Which narrative tense is suitable for expressing general habits or routines in the past?

A. Past simple

B. Past continuous

C. Present simple

D. Future continuous

Which tense is appropriate for expressing actions or events that happened at a specific time in the past?

A. Past continuous

B. Before

C. Past simple

D. Past perfect

Which tense is often used to describe ongoing actions or background events in a narrative?

A. Past perfect

B. Past continuous

C. Present perfect

D. Past perfect continuous


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