Grammar Quiz

Passive Voice - Present Simple and Past Simple Quiz


She ___________ about the conference, so she didn’t participate.

A. weren’t informed

B. isn’t informed

C. wasn’t informed

D. aren’t informed

Find the correct passive sentence for the active sentence given: Everyone understands English.

A. English was understood by everyone.

B. English is understood by everyone.

This photo was ________ by a famous photographer.

A. taken

B. took

C. take

Which of the sentences uses passive voice.

A. We bought a new couch for the living room.

B. They increased my salary.

C. The report was filed to the manager.

D. I received the delivery.

His car ___________ last night!

A. was stolen

B. stole

C. were stolen

D. is stolen

Spanish is __________ in Mexico.

A. speak

B. spoken

C. spoke

Gold ________ found here by the local people.

A. is

B. are

C. were

This room ____________ every morning.

A. cleaned

B. were cleaned

C. are cleaned

D. is cleaned

Which of the sentences uses passive voice?

A. He made a decision.

B. I feed my dog twice a day.

C. Emma makes delicious cupcakes.

D. The sun is totally eclipsed by the moon.

Bikes are __________ in India by millions of people.

A. ride

B. rode

C. ridden

Find the correct passive sentence for the active sentence given: Where did you buy these candles?

A. Were these candles bought by you?

B. Where were these candles bought?

C. Are these candles bought by you?

Find the correct passive sentence for the active sentence given: Do you check your e-mail every day?

A. When is your e-mail checked?

B. Was your e-mail checked every day?

C. Is your e-mail checked every day?

Which of the active sentences cannot be changed to passive?

A. We attend the course online.

B. We ordered the books from Amazon.

C. He arrived yesterday.

Which of the sentences uses passive voice?

A. He painted his house last week.

B. He paints his house every year.

C. His house is painted every year.

English is ___________ by Mister Smith.

A. teach

B. taught

C. thought

The letter _______________ by Tom.

A. were written

B. are written

C. is written

D. wrote

Find the correct passive sentence for the active sentence given: This surprises me.

A. I was surprised by this.

B. I am surprised by this.

Which of the sentences cannot be changed to passive?

A. Did Paula write this essay?

B. Does Ben write poems?

C. Did you go to a book store yesterday?

Find the correct passive sentence for the active sentence given : The fire destroyed the house.

A. The house is destroyed by the fire.

B. The house was destroyed by the fire.

They ________________ for the job yesterday.

A. was interviewed

B. were interviewed

C. are interviewed

D. is interviewed


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