Grammar Quiz

Past and Perfect Tenses Quiz


We ______ (not/see) that movie yet.

A. not see

B. haven’t seen

C. not seen

Yesterday, they ______ (not/go) to school.

A. not go

B. didn’t go

C. haven’t gone

They ______ (not/visit) a museum before today.

A. not visit

B. didn’t visit

C. haven’t visited

I ______ (not/see) that movie before.

A. not see

B. didn’t see

C. haven’t seen

She ______ (visit) her grandma last week.

A. visits

B. visited

C. have visited

Please choose the most appropriate tense to complete the sentence. I ______ (play) soccer yesterday.

A. play

B. played

C. have played

We ______ (just/complete) our project.

A. just completes

B. just completed

C. have just completed

Last summer, I ______ (swim) in the lake.

A. swims

B. swam

C. have swum

They ______ (not/finish) their homework yet.

A. not finish

B. haven’t finished

C. not finished

By the time we arrived, the party ______ (already/start).

A. starts

B. started

C. had already started

Yesterday, we ______ (go) to the zoo.

A. goes

B. went

C. have gone

They ______ (play) video games last night.

A. plays

B. played

C. have played

They ______ (not/try) the new restaurant yet.

A. not try

B. haven’t tried

C. not trying

She ______ (finish) her homework before dinner.

A. finishes

B. finished

C. have finished

She ______ (not/tell) anyone about the surprise.

A. not telling

B. not tell

C. hasn’t told

We ______ (build) a sandcastle at the beach yesterday.

A. build

B. built

C. have built

Last night, they ______ (watch) a movie.

A. watches

B. watched

C. have watched

We ______ (just/arrive) in the city.

A. just arrived

B. just arrives

C. have just arrived

They ______ (just/arrive) at the park.

A. just arrived

B. just arrives

C. have just arrived

She ______ (not/sleep) well last night.

A. not sleep

B. didn’t sleep

C. haven’t slept

He ______ (not/read) the book yet.

A. not read

B. hasn’t read

C. not reading

They ______ (never/try) sushi before.

A. never try

B. never tried

C. have never tried

Yesterday, he ______ (ride) his bike in the park.

A. rides

B. rode

C. have ridden

I ______ (never/eat) sushi before today.

A. never eat

B. never ate

C. haven’t eaten

By the time I got home, they ______ (already/had) dinner.

A. already eat

B. already ate

C. had already had


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