Grammar Quiz

Past Simple vs Present Simple Quiz


I _______ in Thailand in 1998.

A. came

B. come

C. live

D. lived

The bed was very uncomfortable. I _______ sleep well last night.

A. don’t

B. do

C. did

D. didn’t

Which sentence is Past simple tense?

A. She is interested in English.

B. They play ROV every day.

C. I grew food for selling 2 years ago

D. Som is eating breakfast now.

teach (Verb 1)

_______ (Verb 2)

A. taught

B. though

C. thought

D. tough

They always __________ (visit) the museum.

A. visit

B. visits

C. visited

D. visiting

Bryan _________ skyscrapers last year.

A. grew

B. grows

C. builds

D. built

At the pool, they _______ there every Friday.

A. go

B. goes

C. went

D. gone

Two years ago, he _______ in a big house, but now he __________ in a small house.

A. lives / lives

B. lives / live

C. lived / lives

D. lived / lived

In 2019, I ________ at Ratchaborikanukoh school.

A. study

B. studies

C. studied

D. were

He _________ to the park every week.

A. doesn’t go

B. don’t go

C. isn’t going

D. didn’t go

How often _______ Jack visit you?

A. does

B. do

C. did

D. ดู

My grandfather _______ money from fruits every month.

A. earns

B. earned

C. earn

D. earning

Bryan ________ in a factory 2 years ago.

A. works

B. worked

C. earns

D. earned

Does he work in the factory?

A. Yes, he did.

B. Yes, he does.

C. Yes, she did

D. Yes, she does.

We use Past simple tense to talk about

A. Future action

B. Habitual action

C. Completed action

D. Continuous action


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