Grammar Quiz

Personal Pronouns Quiz


Do you know that boy? Yes, I study with ___.

A. he

B. his

C. him

D. me

I don’t like dogs. I’m afraid of ____.

A. they

B. them

C. it

D. us

Could you please tell Maniam that the headmaster wants to see ___________?

A. him

B. them

C. he

D. she

Joyce got a new cat. ______ is very cute.

A. It

B. Her

C. They

D. Me

The students are sitting quietly in class. The teacher is teaching ________.

A. we

B. they

C. us

D. them

Father: Do ________ like cheese?

A. he

B. you

C. she

D. I

Miss Jennifer told (告诉) ____ a story yesterday.

A. I

B. me

C. they

D. we

… are watching TV.

A. He

B. I

C. They

D. We

… are watching TV. (my mother and I)

A. Them

B. We

C. They

D. You

Kenny and Ben are twin brothers. ________ are eight years old.

A. He

B. She

C. We

D. They

Jenny is my friend. ________ rides her bike to school every day.

A. He

B. She

C. You

D. They

Do you know that boy? Please tell ______ that his mother is waiting for him now.

A. she

B. her

C. he

D. him

Those apples are bad. Don’t eat ____!

A. it

B. us

C. me

D. them

Who is that man? Did you know ______?

A. he

B. she

C. him

D. her

I have a new computer. Do _______ want to try ______ out?

A. you, them

B. he, it

C. it, you

D. you, it

Have you seen Dave? _________ is supposed to be here today.

A. He

B. She

C. I

D. You

Miss Chan is teaching English now. We need to listen to ___.

A. she

B. us

C. her

D. we

I love my big brother. I don’t fight with ___.

A. he

B. us

C. me

D. him

Where’s Joanne? Has anyone seen _______ today?

A. him

B. me

C. her

D. you

I have a pet cat. ____ is very cute.

A. It

B. You

C. She

D. I

Is … Kevin’s sister?

A. she

B. he

C. I

D. they

Ashton is from Malaysia. ______ is Malaysian.

A. She

B. He

C. They

D. I

My name is Miss Lee and _________ am your English teacher.

A. I

B. You

C. He

D. She

Are … from England?

A. he

B. you

C. she

D. it

Mandy likes to cook. _________ can cook any kind of food.

A. He

B. She

C. You

D. Her


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