Grammar Quiz

Preposition of Direction Quiz


Walk ____ the street and turn left.

A. around

B. onto

C. down

D. across

He sent a message _______ his parents.

A. for

B. to

C. at

D. in

That woman going ____ the supermarket is my mother.

A. into

B. onto

C. across

D. off

Raindrops ran ________ the windscreen making it difficult to see the road.

A. off

B. down

The doctor is talking _____ the woman.

A. to

B. off

C. through

D. up

You must walk ____ the bridge.

A. into

B. across

C. down

D. along

That woman going ____ the supermarket is my mother.

A. into

B. onto

C. across

D. off

They were driving _______ the city centre when they had the accident.

A. along

B. towards

He fell ______ his chair.

A. down

B. off

C. under

D. up

The lions walked in a circle _______ the baby giraffe before they attacked.

A. off

B. around

It’s fun to ride my bike ________ the hill.

A. up

B. down

C. along

D. through

The frightened deer disappeared _____ the forest.

A. into

B. onto

He goes ____ school everyday.

A. to

B. across

C. down

D. towards

I love to walk _______ the sea.

A. on

B. in

C. along

D. through

The cat crawled ________ the sofa.

A. over

B. under

C. on

D. at

The man fell _______ the river.

A. on

B. into

C. at

D. down

The frightened deer disappeared _____ the forest.

A. into

B. onto

We drove ___________ the tunnel.

A. along

B. through

C. across

D. in

The smoke from the fire went _______ into the sky.

A. up

B. through

The smoke from the fire went _______ into the sky.

A. up

B. through


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