Grammar Quiz

Prepositions of Time, Place, and Movement Quiz


Tom was walking … the street.

A. onto

B. over

C. across

I’m very tired. I prefer to stay… home.

A. at

B. next to

C. under

I have to finish these reports … tomorrow.

A. in

B. by

C. on

D. to

The police reached the accident site…fifteen minutes.

A. by

B. on

C. in

D. at

Silvia is running… from Patricia.

A. away

B. across

C. down

I’ve worked for this company…1990.

A. since

B. at

C. by

D. from

We can have the meeting from 8 a.m. … 4 p.m.

A. during

B. last

C. until

D. at

Ten years… my father gave me my first mobile phone.

A. between

B. ago

C. after

D. until

They are walking … the pavement.

A. over

B. along

C. off

… dinner we went for a walk in the park.

A. since

B. after

C. at

D. between

The bus is coming… the street.

A. towards

B. over

C. down

The paper bin is over there, … the table.

A. under

B. between

C. among

I work…9 to 5 every day. It’s a good schedule.

A. ago

B. at

C. between

D. from

John is… the best employees of our company.

A. under

B. among

C. on

Claire is getting… the bus. She is going to London.

A. into

B. down

C. away

You have a very nice lamp hanging… the table.

A. among

B. under

C. over

Tina is going… to the first floor.

A. out

B. upstairs

C. inside

I went to the cinema… night.

A. last

B. after

C. between

D. on

The meeting shall start…9 a.m.

A. during

B. at

C. for

D. ago

You can take those files that are… the shelf.

A. at

B. on

Who is that woman sitting… Tom and Andrew?

A. between

B. over

C. at

There is no school… Saturdays.

A. ago

B. for

C. in

D. on

Mr Brown is coming … of the elevator.

A. away

B. across

C. out

You can come to the interview. It’s…9 and 10 a.m.

A. between

B. at

C. during

D. by

I’ve been waiting for you…20 minutes.

A. on

B. until

C. at

D. for


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