Grammar Quiz

Pronouns and Antecedents Quiz


Karen is happy. Mom bought her a scooter.

What is the antecedent for the pronoun her?
A. Karen

B. Mom

C. scooter

Which pronoun replaces the antecedent?

Evan had dinner with his friends. He likes hanging out with ___.
A. they

B. their

C. them

If a student wants to succeed on the grammar quiz, ______ need(s) to do well on this practice.

A. they

B. he/she

C. you

D. them

Which pronoun replaces the antecedent?

Sweet grapes grow in the vineyard. ___ are ready to be picked.
A. Them

B. They

C. It

Neither of my uncles has ever smoked in _____ life.

A. his

B. their

C. him

D. one’s

Sometimes we are late for school. (WE)

A. Subject

B. Object

James told Jackson to wash his hands before dinner.

What is the antecedent for his?
A. James

B. Jackson

If anyone of the students has misplaced (his or her, their) snack pass they cannot get a snack.

A. his or her

B. their

My friends usually come talk to me. (ME)

A. Subject

B. Object

Every teacher must turn in (his or her, their) bingo reward list by next Tuesday.

A. his or her

B. their

The school has asbestos in many of _______ classrooms.

A. one’s

B. their

C. its

D. her

Neither of the little girls wants to share _____ toys

A. her

B. their

C. she

D. they’re

Either Mr. Robinson or Mrs. Eros will reveal (his or her, their) number one suspect after lunch.

A. his or her

B. their

What is the pronoun in these sentences?

The students did not want to dance. They liked the trampoline.
A. The students

B. dance

C. They

D. trampoline

Every one of the actresses knows (her, their) part by heart.

A. her

B. their

Either of the women who parked illegally will soon find that (her, their) car has been towed.

A. her

B. their

It is the coolest game ever.

Does this sentence have a subject or object pronoun?
A. Subject Pronoun

B. Object Pronoun

They are my best friends. (THEY)

A. Subject

B. Object

Tomorrow the detective and I will turn over all of _______ evidence to the authorities.

A. your

B. his

C. my

D. our

Which pronoun replaces the antecedent?

Maria does not know the answer. ____ is confused.
A. Her

B. She

Which pronoun replaces the antecedent?

These people have important jobs. ____ are Supreme Court justices.
A. Them

B. This

C. They

It seems like it will be an easy test. (IT)

A. Subject

B. Object

What is the antecedent in this sentence?

The principal was on vacation so Jinx could not see him.
A. principal

B. vacation

C. see

D. him

You wouldn’t believe how hard gym is. (YOU)

A. Subject

B. Object

What is the pronoun in this sentence?

The principal was on vacation so Jinx could not see him.
A. principal

B. vacation

C. see

D. him


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