Grammar Quiz

Quantifiers with Nouns Quiz


There are ______students in the class this year compared to last year

A. little

B. much

C. a few

D. fewer

______ of the cakes were delicious.

A. Many

B. Several

C. All

______ of the applicants were selected for the job.

A. Each

B. Much

C. Several

D. Fewer

There are two main routes to get to the city center, and you can take ______ of them to reach your destination.

A. neither

B. several

C. either

D. many

______ of the students submitted their assignments on time.

A. Each

B. Much

C. Either

______ students passed the exam with flying colors

A. Many

B. Neither

C. Each

D. Either

There were ______ people in the park today due to the rain.

A. fewer

B. several

C. neither

______ of the books on the shelf belong to me.

A. Both

B. A few

C. Either

______ of the cakes were eaten at the party.

A. Fewer

B. A few

C. Several

D. Little

Sarah bought two dresses, but ______ of them fit her perfectly

A. many

B. neither

C. several

D. each

______ of the two movies is worth watching.

A. Both

B. Many

C. Each

______ of the team members agreed with the new proposal

A. Few of

B. Fewer

C. Much

D. Various

The teacher gave a chocolate to ______ child in the class

A. many

B. neither

C. several

D. each


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