Grammar Quiz

Topics: Reported Speech and Tenses

How do you transform ‘happy’ into an adverb?

A. happily

B. happyly

C. hapily

Select your answer:

Random Topics:

TOEFLAsking and Giving SuggestionConjunction and PunctuationInterjection & Prepositional PhrasesFinite and Non-Finite VerbModal "Have to"Gerunds as Objects of PrepositionsQuantifiers, Countable and Uncountable NounsAdverbs of DegreeTenses and Structures

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Grammar › View

Which of these is correct?
A. They is study for the test.
B. They is studying for the test.
C. They are study for the test.
D. They are studying for the test.

Modal Verbs › View

I must be at work at 9 o’clock everyday. So, I_____wake up at 7 o’clock.

A. might

B. have to

C. will

D. ought