Grammar Quiz

Sentences Function and Structure Quiz


Add the butter, then the milk.

A. Imperative

B. Declarative

C. Interrogative

D. Exclamatory

Don’t do that.

A. Declarative

B. Imperative

C. Negative Imperative

D. Interrogative

Where did you put the laptop?

A. Interrogative

B. Exclamatory

C. Declarative

D. Imperative

Rewrite the sentence:

Unless you know the answer, do not raise your hand.

A. Do not raise your hand, unless you know the answer.
B. Do not raise your hand unless you know the answer.

Does this sentence need a comma?

I wanted to go to the store but I decided to stay home instead.

A. Yes

B. No

You should grow up.

A. Declarative

B. Interrogative

C. Exclamatory

D. Imperative

Choose the fragment (incomplete thought)

A. Everyone loves the new restaurant.

B. Everyone that attended the party last Saturday.

Complete the sentence with the coordinating conjunction that make sense.

Mom wanted a scrapbook of our trip, _____ she took many pictures.

A. or

B. so

C. but

D. yet

Deserts are harsh and dry, ________ many plants grow there.

A. for

B. so

C. yet

Choose an adverbial phrase which fits into this sentence:

Jo ate her breakfast ______________ because she was late for school.

A. under the table

B. really quickly

C. incredibly slowly

D. in the evening

Rewrite the sentence:

I will set the table while you cook dinner.

A. While you cook dinner, I will set the table.

B. While you cook dinner I will set the table.

C. I will set the table, while you cook dinner.

Choose the simple sentence from the choices below.

A. Allen and Henry ate hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner.

B. We won the final game; it was so much fun.

C. Although I am tired, I don’t want to go home.

Complete the sentence with the coordinating conjunction that make sense.

You may have soup, ____ you may have salad.

A. or

B. and

C. nor

D. yet

Choose the adverb in the following sentence.

Sara cooks well.

A. Sara

B. Cooks

C. Well

Choose the simple sentence from the choices below.

A. I don’t want to hear what you have to say if you’re going to be rude.

B. Please sit down with us and listen carefully.

C. We won’t go on Saturday ,so let’s finish our project today.

James and Eve rode their bicycles after they ate lunch.

A. compound

B. complex

C. simple

A simple (scotch tape) compound sentence is split by…

A. a comma and conjunction

B. just a conjunction

C. just a comma


Hmmm, pizza is yummy.

A. Interrogative

B. Imperative

C. Exclamatory

D. Declarative

The teacher and the principal met in the hall near the library.

A. compound

B. complex

C. simple

A whale breathes air through its lungs.

‘Through its lungs’ is an:

A. Adjectival phrase

B. Adverbial phrase

She dropped the pan and the plate, but she held on to the spoon.

A. compound

B. complex

C. simple

What is the adverbial phrase in the following sentence?

Out in the garden, the children played.

A. Out in the garden

B. The children played.

It is your birthday.

A. Declarative

B. Interrogative

C. Exclamatory

D. Imperative


A. Exclamatory

B. Declarative

C. Negative imperative

D. Interrogative

Choose the best adverbial phrase to complete the following sentence.

………………………………. , the student answered the question.

A. As fast as a shooting star

B. However

C. Although


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