Grammar Quiz

Similes, Metaphors, Personification and Hyperbole Quiz


The children were puppets, merely doing what they were told.

A. simile

B. metaphor

The roses were begging to be watered.

A. personification

B. hyperbole 

The sun winked out from under the clouds.

A. personification

B. hyperbole 

Shane felt like he had a ton of homework to complete and not enough time to do it.

A. personification

B. hyperbole 

The dog’s eyes were as black as coal.

A. simile

B. metaphor

I felt as if I could sleep forever.

A. personification

B. hyperbole 

The statement, “No homework today,” was music to the students’ ears.

A. simile

B. metaphor

The crocodile’s teeth were daggers, ready to chomp down on a meal.

A. simile

B. metaphor

The flower seemed to be tilting her head towards the people passing by.

A. personification

B. hyperbole 

My alarm clock yells at me each morning to wake up, but I ignore it.

A. personification

B. hyperbole 

His parents always told him that life was a rollercoaster and to jump on.

A. simile

B. metaphor

James joked and said that his sister was as light as a feather after cutting her hair.

A. simile

B. metaphor

He was a rock and would not budge on the issue.

A. simile

B. metaphor

Julia felt like she had been walking for days.

A. personification

B. hyperbole 

Blake declined the invitation, claiming he had a million things to do. 

A. personification

B. hyperbole 

The house was lonely and empty while the family was away.

A. personification

B. hyperbole 

Jamela’s hair was smooth as silk after getting it straightened at the hair salon.

A. simile

B. metaphor

Her hands were as cold as ice after the hayride.

A. simile

B. metaphor


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