Grammar Quiz

Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences Quiz


She ate her lunch after the recess.

A. simple

B. complex

C. compound

Lilly ran away seven times in one morning.

A. Simple

B. Compund

C. Complex

Unless you work hard, you will fail.

A. simple

B. complex

C. compound

We want Julius to be as extraordinary as you so we must tell constantly how beautiful he is.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

Julius isn’t going anywhere and he stayed and stayed and stayed.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

She pinched his tail.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

He can blow bubbles and he can babble and gurgle.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

Because she had a fight with Tom, she simply pretended that he didn’t exist.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

I don’t expect children to be rude nor do I expect to be disobeyed.

A. simple

B. compound

C. complex

Her parents loved him and they kissed his wet pink nose.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

Before you go to the mall, finish your work.

A. simple

B. complex

C. compound

They asked for forgiveness from their boss but it didn’t matter.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

When no one was looking, Lilly had her own ideas.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

Lilly’s parents were amazed when Julius screamed.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

She bought this bag for $15.

A. simple

B. complex

C. compound

D. none.

She warned strangers about babies too.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

Lilly’s nose twitched and her eyes narrowed.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

As Lilly had a tea party, she invited her friends.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

When Lilly’s mother felt up to it, she planned a festive celebration in honor of Julius.

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

After Julius goes away, do I get my room back?

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex


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