Grammar Quiz

Tenses and Word Formation Quiz


By the time the shareholders read the annual report, our sales ———- by one-third.

A. will fall

B. will have fallen

C. is falling

D. had fallen

At that time, it_____, the contract satisfied all parties.

A. were signed

B. was signed

C. sign

D. signed

The service in the hotel restaurant was so bad that I ———- to complain to the manager.

A. am deciding

B. decide

C. decided

D. was decided

The project would not have been a success without Mr. Ratcliffe’s complete ——– which was demonstrated on several occasions.

A. dedicated

B. dedicate

C. dedicates

D. dedication

After ——— to build a new home in Victoria, Mr. Redmond hired an interior designer to assist him with decorating the house

A. decide

B. decides

C. decided

D. deciding

All employees need a written ——— from the manager to ‘access the office during off-hours

A. permit

B. permissive

C. permits

D. permission

When it comes to Colin’s ability to finish the project on time, his manager has no ———-.

A. doubts

B. doubtful

C. doubtfully

D. doubtless

The recent ——– of Duluth Motors has significantly increased Border Auto’s production capacity.

A. acquiring

B. acquires

C. acquired

D. acquisition

——— at the Latipa Film Festival increased by nearly 30 percent this year thanks to an online marketing campaign

A. Attend

B. Attendee

C. Attendant

D. Attendance

The person in that office who spoken to you ____the company’s managing director.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. has been

Ms. Morgan recruited the individuals that the company ______ for the next three months.

A. will employ

B. to employ

C. has been employed

D. employ

Carl apologizes for not being available when you called, but he ———- an important client.

A. had visited

B. visited

C. was visiting

D. had been visiting

His exceptional discoveries, which were heavily promoted in the Explorer’s club journal, _________also given attention by the media.

A. was

B. is

C. does

D. were

The new packaging machine we bought recently ———- down three times already.

A. was breaking

B. had broken

C. is breaking

D. has broken

———- sign for the package that arrived this morning?

A. Have you

B. Did you

C. Were you

D. Are you

The customer ——— complained through a variety of channels before leaving a negative review on the Web site.

A. had

B. did

C. was

D. will

After being discharged from the hospital, our president Mr. Liu ———- taking a long break.

A. will

B. is going to

C. will be

D. will have

At Bennington Corp. Ms. Heisman has been doing well as a group member as well as working ——– as a Web designer

A. independency

B. independence

C. independent

D. independently

There are many qualified candidates for the position, but we can_____only one.

A. chosen

B. choose

C. has chosen

D. choosing

All buyers from Richard’s Auto Dealership can have their cars ——– inspected based on their maintenance schedules

A. regular

B. regularity

C. regulation

D. regularly

Please could you see Mr. Thomson as soon as your performance review meeting ———-?

A. will end

B. ends

C. will be ending

D. will have ended

Belmont Enterprises is considering providing language ——– and a cultural studies program for employees working overseas

A. instructor

B. instruction

C. instructed

D. instruct

The Tokyo division handles product ____ and customer service for the company.

A. distribute

B. distributor

C. distribution

D. distributed

Exactly how long ———- worked as a senior accounting clerk for this company?

A. have you

B. did you

C. are you

D. will you

Sefu Asamoah is an innovative architect who is _______ the traditional approach to constructing space- efficient apartment buildings.

A. challenge

B. challenging

C. challenged

D. challenges


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