Grammar Quiz

Verbal Communication Quiz


the body of words used in a particular language: is symbolic, has standards of appropriateness and adds interest to communication

A. grammar

B. vocabulary

C. etymology

language that is spoken and heard rather than written and read

A. nonverbal communication

B. oral language

C. sign language

the degree of clarity and distinctness in a person’s speech

A. diction

B. connotation

C. filler

language most often used in casual situations and close interpersonal relationships

A. informal language

B. formal language

C. jargon

the language used by the majority of knowledgeable communicators within a specific language

A. standard language

B. jargon

C. formal language

a communication situation that is frequently repeated in daily social interaction

A. social ritual

B. tag

C. awkward engagement

the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history

A. structure

B. grammar

C. etymology

special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.

A. jargon

B. filler

C. ungrammatical language

The act of clearly and distinctly uttering the vowel sounds of a word

A. articulation

B. enunciation

C. etymology

language that does not use expected standards of grammar or mechanics

A. technical language

B. ungrammatical language

C. informal language

language that conforms to a highly structured set of rules

A. informal language

B. formal language

C. standard language

the accepted standard of how a word sounds when spoken

A. pronunciation

B. enunciation

C. articulation

a statement or question added to the end of a statement to invite approval or cooperation from others

A. tag

B. filler

C. jargon

the way the different parts of a language are arranged

A. enunciation

B. etymology

C. structure

language associated with a particular profession, activity, or field of study

A. slang

B. technical language

C. formal language

a term associated with a specific regional culture

A. colloquialisms

B. formal language

C. diction

a word’s dictionary definition

A. denotation

B. connotation

C. filler

all the meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests

A. denotation

B. connotation

C. enunciation

A unique combination of speech sounds that identify speech with a particular group of people

A. diction

B. denotation

C. dialect

an informal, often short-lived kind of language used in place of standard words

A. jargon

B. structure

C. slang

a word or phrase used to cover up a hesitancy in speech

A. filler

B. tag

C. colloquialisms

The act of clearly and distinctly uttering the consonant sounds of a word

A. articulation

B. formal language

C. pronunciation

in a language, a system of rules that enables us to communicate with and understand others

A. vocabulary

B. structure

C. grammar


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