Grammar Quiz

Verb + Infinitive or Gerund Quiz


Select the appropriate option: She decided (to go / going) to the party with her friends.

A. gone

B. goes

C. to go

D. went

Pick the correct option: They plan (to visit / visiting) their grandparents next weekend.

A. visited

B. to visit

C. visit

D. visiting

Choose the appropriate form: She enjoys (to paint / painting) landscapes.

A. paint

B. painting

C. to paint

D. painted

Pick the right option: They love (to camp / camping) in the wilderness.

A. camp

B. camping

C. to camp

D. camped

Choose the appropriate form: She enjoys (to draw / drawing) portraits.

A. draw

B. drawing

C. to draw

D. drawn

Pick the right option: They prefer (to ski / skiing) during winter.

A. to ski

B. skiing

C. ski

D. skied

Select the correct form: He enjoys (to play / playing) guitar in his free time.

A. to play

B. playing

C. play

D. played

Select the correct form: I enjoy (to swim / swimming) in the pool during summer.

A. to swim

B. swam

C. swim

D. swimming

Pick the right option: They prefer (to jog / jogging) in the park.

A. to jog

B. jogging

C. jog

D. jogged

Select the appropriate option: He enjoys (to read / reading) books in his leisure time.

A. read

B. to reading

C. reading

D. to read

Pick the right option: They love (to hike / hiking) in the mountains.

A. hike

B. hiking

C. to hike

D. hiked

Select the correct form: He likes (to swim / swimming) in the pool.

A. to swim

B. swimming

C. swim

D. swam

Select the right option: She hopes (to win / winning) the competition.

A. to winning

B. winning

C. win

D. to win

Choose the appropriate form: She prefers (to bake / baking) cookies for her friends.

A. to bake

B. baking

C. bake

D. baked

Select the correct form: He likes (to dance / dancing) at parties.

A. to dance

B. dancing

C. dance

D. danced

Select the correct form: I enjoy (to cook / cooking) for my family.

A. to cook

B. cooking

C. cook

D. cooked

Which is the right form to use: He needs (to study / studying) for his exams.

A. studying

B. to study

C. to studying

D. study

Pick the appropriate form: They love (to cycle / cycling) on weekends.

A. cycle

B. cycling

C. to cycle

D. cycled

Choose the correct form: He prefers (to run / running) in the morning.

A. to run

B. running

C. run

D. ran

Choose the appropriate form: She likes (to write / writing) poems.

A. to write

B. writing

C. write

D. wrote

Which form is correct: He wants (to learn / learning) how to cook.

A. to learn

B. to cooking

C. learn

D. learning

Pick the right option: They enjoy (to travel / traveling) to different countries.

A. travel

B. traveling

C. to travel

D. travelling

Select the right option: She enjoys (to sing / singing) in the choir.

A. sing

B. singing

C. to sing

D. sang

Choose the correct form: I enjoy (to read / reading) books in my free time.

A. reads

B. readed

C. to read

D. reading

Select the correct form: I enjoy (to read / reading) books in the library.

A. reads

B. read

C. to read

D. reading


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