Grammar Quiz

Verb Phrase Quiz


During the novels, Harry is learning things about magic and his past.

A. During the novels

B. about magic

C. his post

D. is learning

The message can’t be altered.

A. can’t be altered

B. the message

C. message

D. inbox

Fall is turning out to be an incredible season already!

A. is turning

B. season

C. fall is

D. already

They will return on the airplane.

A. return

B. The

C. will return

D. the airplane

Jasmine has received a coupon for a free pizza.

A. Jasmine

B. free pizza

C. a coupon

D. has received

I’ve run out of time.

A. I’ve

B. I’ve run out

C. of time

D. time

You do beautiful work.

A. You

B. do beautiful

C. work

D. I

The bicycle was held to the rack with a chain.

A. The bicycle

B. was held

C. the rack

D. a chain

James had to run in order to catch his bus.

A. had to run

B. in order

C. his bus

D. to catch

I can understand his concern.

A. I’m concerned

B. his concern

C. can understand

D. I

The three children are playing in the park.

A. The three

B. playing

C. are playing

D. the park

I will be finished shortly.

A. will be finished

B. finished

C. shortly

D. I will

Sarah had to grab her dog before it ran away.

A. ran away

B. it ran

C. had to grab

D. her dog

The wind was howling all night.

A. was howling

B. The wind

C. all night

D. howling

Instructions: List the verb phrases in the following sentences.

My wife is reading in the hammock under the tree.

A. reading

B. is reading

C. in the

D. the tree

She must have told you ten times.

A. have told

B. must have told

C. ten times

D. she

I am running a huge race this weekend.

A. I am

B. this weekend

C. am running

D. race

We shall go tomorrow.

A. We shall

B. No No

C. shall go

D. tomorrow

These gloves will keep your hands very warm.

A. These gloves

B. your hands

C. very warm

D. will keep

Dylan can climb over that fence.

A. Dylan

B. can climb

C. over

D. that fence


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