Grammar Quiz

Verb Tenses and Sentence Structure Quiz


In which tense should the verb ‘post’ be used in the following sentence: ‘She _____ the letter yesterday’?

A. posting

B. post

C. posts

D. posted

Use the verb ‘upload’ in a sentence using the past perfect tense.

A. He has uploaded the video after the meeting started.

B. She had uploaded the video before the meeting started.

C. They will upload the video during the meeting.

D. I am uploading the video right now.

In which tense should the verb ‘camp’ be used in the following sentence: ‘We _____ in the forest last summer’?

A. camped

B. camping

C. camply

D. camps

Write a sentence using the present perfect tense of the verb ‘design’.

A. I designed a new logo for the company.

B. I am designing a new logo for the company.

C. I have designed a new logo for the company.

D. I will design a new logo for the company.

Rewrite the following sentence using the past perfect tense: ‘The package includes a free gift.’

A. The package had included a free gift.

B. The package including a free gift.

C. The package have included a free gift.

D. The package includes a free gift.

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: ‘I _____ a lot from my trip to the mountains.’

A. learned

B. ate

C. slept

D. danced

What is the simple past tense of the verb ‘rehearse’?

A. rehearsal

B. rehearsing

C. rehearses

D. rehearsed

What does the word ‘review’ mean?

A. to fly a kite

B. to cook a meal

C. to examine or assess something again

D. to dance in a circle

What does the word ‘whisper’ mean?

A. To sing a lullaby

B. To shout loudly

C. To speak very softly or quietly

D. To speak in a foreign language

What does the phrase ‘look forward to’ mean?

A. to look away from something

B. to anticipate or eagerly await something

C. to look down on something

D. to look backward at something

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: ‘She _____ the door in anger.’

A. tickled

B. whispered

C. kissed

D. slammed

In which tense should the verb ‘attract’ be used in the following sentence: ‘The colorful flowers _____ many butterflies.’

A. attracting

B. attractable

C. attracted

D. attracts

Use the verb ‘mean’ in a sentence using the present perfect continuous tense.

A. I have been meaning to go to the store

B. I have been meaning to watch TV

C. I have been meaning to call you all day.

D. I have been meaning to eat dinner

What does the word ‘click’ mean?

A. to jump up and down

B. to press a button or make a short, sharp sound

C. to cook something slowly

D. to write with a pen

Rewrite the following sentence using the present perfect tense: ‘They shook hands at the meeting.’

A. They are shaking hands at the meeting.

B. They have shaken hands at the meeting.

C. They shook hands at the meeting.

D. They will shake hands at the meeting.


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