Grammar Quiz

Vocabulary Quiz


The correct meaning for confronting is..

A. blocking someone

B. facing a problem

C. policy

D. strong

Which of the following would you wear in the winter to keep your hands warm?

A. shorts

B. scarf

C. mittens

D. socks

to turn about on an axis or a center

A. rotate

B. orbit

C. axis

D. frigid

small amount

A. weary

B. meager

C. bovine

A faucet from which water flows

A. reap

B. lush

C. spigot

D. retractable

_______ are people who have done brave or good things.

A. agree

B. discover

C. succeed

D. heroes

Complete each sentence with the correct word form: My __________ cousin will eat anything.

A. adventure

B. adventurous

to go beyond limits

A. buoyancy

B. exuberant

C. indulge

D. transgressions

The errors in your report………your lack of care for what you do.

A. inspect

B. institute

C. initiate

D. reflect

The recliner was in a _________ position, allowing me to feel so comfortable that I fell asleep while reading a novel.

A. recumbent

B. stratagem

C. nettle

D. fecund

I’m afraid you can’t enroll in this class. It’s already _____.

A. filled up

B. filled out

C. set up

D. set out

something that you do often and regularly

A. tradition

B. resident

C. culture

D. habit

thrilled, overjoyed

A. eloted

B. elated

C. elatted

D. ellated

a large land area where animals feed on the grass

A. pasture

B. registration

C. rap

D. snarl

Due to human impacts, the rate of climate change is now thought to be too great and seriously threatens ______

A. Century

B. Invasive

C. Erosion

D. Biodiversity

A careful ______ led to the discovery of a new fossil?

A. design

B. encouraged

C. investigation

D. solution

If you ___________ to water the flowers, they will droop and die.

A. neglect

B. dismiss

C. contract

D. recall

A rushing stream of water

A. Contradict

B. Undeniable

C. Trek

D. Torrent

a type of music where words are spoken in a rhyme

A. pasture

B. rap

C. snarl

D. outwit

Linh can’t go out with us to see a movie now because she’s ____ meal.

A. preparing

B. making

C. arranging

D. keeping

TV companies ________ their programs across the country or even across the world.

A. broadcast

B. refresh

C. connect

D. publish

a person who performs duties for others

A. servant

B. evaluate

C. theory

D. preserve

The ____________ on the trees have started to change colour.

A. faucets

B. crops

C. leaves

D. pipes

Replace the word in quotation marks.

Can you “name” that bird?

A. influence

B. infer

C. identify

D. igloo

A brief retelling of the major events, individuals, and ideas in a text or section of text.

A. Summary

B. excerpt

C. Dialogue

D. Claim


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