Grammar Quiz

Will vs Verb Infinitives Quiz


I want _______ the six o’clock train.

A. to catch

B. to play

C. to decide

D. to promise

Order the sentence:

do / to / What / to / you / do / ?

A. What to do you plan to?

B. What you to do to plan?

C. What do you plan to do?

D. Do you plan to do what?

Choose the correct answer:

She likes to _________

A. read

B. books

Choose the correct answer:

Today I started _________

A. look for a new job

B. a new job

We’ve decided ____ to France for our vacation.

A. to go

B. to catch

C. to bring

D. to be

Choose the correct answer:

We love to _________

A. pizza

B. dance

We hope ___ you again soon.

A. to catch

B. to see

C. to rain

D. to pay

Choose the correct answer:

She plans _________

A. parties

B. study business

I’m learning ___. My driving test’s next month.

A. to drive

B. to pay

C. to help

D. to be

They’re planning ___ soon.

A. to plan

B. to get married

C. to turn off

D. to find

I’m trying ______ a job, but it’s very hard.

A. to look for

B. to catch

C. to open

D. to bring

Choose the correct answer:

How did you learn to _________

A. ski

B. Japanese

Choose the correct answer:

I tried to _________

A. open the door

B. new restaurant

Don’t forget ____ all the lights.

A. to buy

B. to find

C. to turn off

D. to get married

I need ___ to the supermarket . We don’t have any milk.

A. to find

B. to rain

C. to bring

D. to go

Order the sentence:

next/ go/ plan/ to / Russia / to / I / year

A. I plan to go to Russia next year.

B. Next year I plan Russia to go to.

C. I plan to go to next year to Russia.

D. l go to Russia next year plan to.

He’s promised ___ me back when he’s got a job.

A. to look

B. to wait

C. to pay

D. to bring

Remember ___ your dictionaries to class tomorrow.

A. to bring

B. to find

C. to help

D. to pay


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