Grammar Quiz

Word Form & Verb Tense Quiz


_____ there is no shortage of fresh water, wastewater is treated and turned into drinking water

A. ensure

B. to ensure

C. ensured

D. ensuring

Her job is to detect and analyse any threat to public _____ such as floods, earthquake, and even pollution

A. safety

B. safe

C. safely

D. unsafe

_____ people believe that city dweller will have a better life thanks to important achievements in technology and medicine

A. optimistic

B. optimists

C. optimist

D. optimistically

The manager _____ the store before I arrived

A. closed

B. had closed

C. has closed

D. was closed

Those who are _____ think that’s our cities will become more and more polluted

A. pessimistic

B. pessimists

C. pessimist

D. pessimistically

Thanks to various sensors _____ in every home and public place, Barbara’s center can predict probable disaster

A. installed

B. installing

C. installment

D. to install

We _____ for going home when began to rain

A. were preparing

B. are preparing

C. will be preparing

D. have prepared

Yesterday, a terrible accident _____ on the highway causing a lot of chaos and fatalities

A. happened

B. has happened

C. happens

D. was happened

The last century’s advances such as the discovery of antibiotics and vaccines, and the development of _____ imaging have contributed to longe life

A. medicine

B. medically

C. medical

D. medicines

When I last saw him, he _____ in London

A. has lived

B. is living

C. was living

D. has been living

In 21st century, scientists continue to look for new ways _____ serious disease and slow down the ageing process

A. to treat

B. treat

C. treatment

D. treated

While my father_____ a film on TV, my mother was cooking dinner

A. watched

B. was watching

C. had watched

D. watches

Pessimists point out that both global warming and pollution have increased _____ over the past twenty years

A. rapid

B. rapidly

C. rapidity

D. rapier

John _____ in the same house since he left school

A. lived

B. had lived

C. was living

D. had lived

I’m reading some _____ about London in 2050

A. prediction

B. predict

C. predicted

D. predictions

Eco Infrastructure Network’s main function is to deal with urban _____ problems to make Superstar City greener, cleaner and more sustainable

A. environmentally

B. environment

C. environmental

D. environ

Although it’s now overcrowded trains and ageing population there are plans _____ the situation

A. to improve

B. improved

C. improvement

D. improving

While they _____ TV last night, somebody broke into the house

A. watched

B. are watching

C. have watched

D. were watching

One of the most _____ ways to keep your mind stress-free and healthy is meditation

A. effectively

B. effect

C. effective

D. effects

There projects have proved to be very _____ in dealing with global climate change

A. effectively

B. effect

C. effective

D. effects

Studies show that for each hour of _____ exercise, people can gain two hour of additional life expectancy

A. regular

B. regularly

C. irregularly

D. regularity

After he _____ his English course, he went to England to continue his study

A. has finish

B. had finished

C. was finished

D. would finish

I have never played badminton before. This is the first time I _____ to play it

A. try

B. tried

C. have tried

D. am trying

Most roads in the city have been planted with flowering trees since I last _____ it

A. would visit

B. visit

C. visited

D. had visited

Many eco parks will be built, and they’ll be watered by _____ wastewater

A. to treat

B. treat

C. treatment

D. treated


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