Grammar Quiz

World Literature Vocabulary Quiz


What does splashed mean…..

A. Spilled

B. Splattered

C. Splat

D. Split

I seared the steak on the grill. Seared means:

A. bland

B. caught on fire

C. burned

The hurricane intensified as it was traveling to the West Coast. Intensified means:

A. became strong

B. became stronger

C. became weak

D. became a joke

If you live in a city it can also be called a….

A. big city

B. big apple

C. metropolis

D. Phoenix, AZ

define successive:

A. In order

B. following

C. Follower

D. leader

Trivial is defined as….

A. not trivial

B. not good

C. not important

D. not thinking

What is the beginning of a story called?

A. The outset

B. The onset

C. The remainder

D. Onset

Vagabond is

A. people who buy homes

B. homeless people who wander from place to place

C. Mr. Busby

Agitation is:

A. a strong person

B. a strong sense of emergency

C. a strong emotion; disturbance

D. a strong breeze felt outside

Way of knowing without proof is….

A. Innacurate

B. Intelligence

C. Inuendos

D. Intuitions

A celebrity owns multiple manors. A manor is

A. the small house in the backyard

B. the main home on the estate

C. a hotel

I have a lot of deductions. This means….

A. to have answers found by asking google

B. to have answers from your mama

C. to have answers found by reasoning

D. to have answers from thinking really hard


A. Melrose

B. Morose

C. Muttered

D. Medevil

My grandma bequeathed me one million dollars when she died. Bequeathed means:

A. stole

B. gave to in a will

C. promised

D. took away

To pay the costs….

A. dumb

B. delay

C. defray

D. detour

If he was thrown over the parapet, he was thrown over the…

A. railing

B. railing along the edge of a roof or wall

C. railing on a staircase

D. railing on an escalator

Pitiable means…

A. Causing a feeling of sadness

B. Causing a feeling of pity

C. Causing a feeling of anger

D. Causing a feeling of happiness

To be of high social class is to be:

A. Poor

B. Middle class

C. aristocratic

D. Unemployed

Military armed with weapons is an

A. artillery

B. military base

C. Military bunker

D. Army

wretched is

A. worthless; seen with scorn

B. worthless; seen with fear

C. worthless in general

To be wicked; of bad character

A. dignity

B. dissapear

C. dilute

D. dissolute

He was logical about planning his vacation with a friend….Logical means:

A. Reasonable

B. Relieved

C. Resale

D. Reassured

Looking worn because of worry

A. heavy

B. haggard

C. hare

D. hagard


A. Comprehensive

B. Comprehension

C. Compatible

D. Community

Fortnight means

A. a game

B. a period of two weeks

C. a period of three weeks

D. one weekend


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