Adjective vs. Adverb Quizzes
Preview 20 Quizzes about Adjective vs. Adverb
She writes very ___.
A. Bad
B. Badly
A flower that has blue pedals is bright.
A. Adjective
B. Adverb
You write so ___. Look at these mistakes.
a. careless
b. carelessly
Jessica is a ___ basketball player.
a. good
b. well
Mr. Lopez is not a ___ policeman.
a. careful
b. carefully
When he was a baby, he fell into the river
A. Adjective
B. Adverb
She played _____.
A. Beautiful
B. Beautifuly
C. Beautifully
Be Quiet! I can’t think ___ if you are talking.
a. clear
b. clearly
She opened the door ___.
a. slow
b. slowly
This method seems the most effective so far.
- adjective
- adverb
Mary is a ___ swimmer.
a. slow
b. slowly
There was a ___ noise last night. Did you hear it?
a. loud
b. loudly
She is the most JOYFUL child.
He’s tremendously lazy and _____ tries.
A. Hardly
B. Hard
C. Hardily
She speaks so very ____.
A. Quick
B. Quickly
C. Fast
I don’t think I am a ___ athlete.
a. bad
b. badly
She shouted ___ at him.
a. angry
b. angrily
He hung the shirt BACK in the closet.
I’ve been having a lot of headaches ____.
A. Lately
B. Late
Why are you ___?
a. angry
b. angrily
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