Grammar Quiz

Adverb Quiz

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I’m happy that my diligent students ____ join my online quiz.

A. never

B. always

C. rarely

D. sometimes

What is an adverb?

A. A word that modifies a noun.
B. An action word.
C. A word that modifies a verb.
D. A group of words that includes a preposition and a noun or pronoun.
E. A word that describes a noun or pronoun.

Adverbs usually end in what?

A. -y
B. -ey
C. -ly
D. -es

What is the adverb in the following sentence? Stan sloppily painted the wooden fence in his yard.

A. Stan
B. Sloppily
C. Wooden

Where can I go __________ find fresh strawberries?

A. two

B. too

C. to

Shawn sleeps ________ in the night. He sleeps well.

A. softly

B. strongly

C. soundly

D. broadly

Small-business owners _______ use local newspaper advertisements

A. frequent

B. frequency

C. frequentness

D. frequently

The beautiful lady smiled ________ when she saw us.

A. softly

B. angrily

C. soundly

D. broadly

The stage designs are _______ stunning.

A. patiently

B. well

C. beautifully

D. quickly

The mother kissed her baby ____.

A. lovingly

B. hatefully

C. confidently

D. cruelly

Jane whispered ________ to Mary

A. softly

B. strongly

C. soundly

D. broadly

The ____________ function is when a word ends in -ly and is an adverb.

A. Sentence element
B. Adverbial
C. Clause
D. Subject element

 I wish I could go _________ the game tonight. 

A. to

B. two

C. too

An adverb describes

A. a noun

B. a verb

C. an adjective

I had __________ egg for breakfast.

A. a

B. an

I _______ get home at around 6 but today I was a little later than usual.

A. luckily

B. occasionally

C. normally

D. pratically

On hearing the news, Ali left the party __________________.

A. slowly

B. cleverly

C. seriously

D. hurriedly

The picture of the sky is _____________ (beautiful) drawn on the canvas.

A. beautifully

B. beautiful

C. very very beautifully

I can speak English ________.

A. accurate

B. creative

C. fluently

D. fluent

What word does the underlined adverb modify?

Although the man was on parole, he felt somewhat free.

A. Felt
B. Was
C. Free

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