Grammar Quiz

Adverb Quiz

Preview 20 Quizzes about Adverb

He’s ________ recovered from his illness.

A. Hard
B. Hardly
C. Much

I think your presentation is ________ good

A. nice

B. pretty

C. quiet

D. beautiful

School ended at________ o’clock yesterday.

A. two

B. too

C. to

Which of the following isn’t a adverb?

A. Quickly
B. Always
C. Coyly
D. Fast

perfectly is a proper adverb (true or false)

A. True
B. False

We recommend that you ________ purchase your home.

A. quickly

B. quick

C. quicken

D. quickness

Identify the adverbs in the sentence…
Recently Congress voted unanimously for the bill.

A. Recently
B. Voted
C. For
D. Congress

Which of these words is not an Adverb.

A. Quickly
B. Well
C. Bravely
D. Calmly
E. Lovely

Alan’s feet are so big that his shoes are ___ made for him.

A. specially

B. especially

That light bulb shines ____________ (bright)

A. brightnessly

B. brightily

C. brightly

Identify the adverbs in the following sentence…

I have almost finished my report.

A. Have
B. Almost
C. Finished

Why have you been so busy __________?

A. late

B. later

C. latest

D. lately

What is the adverb in the sentence?
The teacher said, “Write your name neatly.”

A. said

B. neatly

C. name

D. write

Which sentence contains an adverb that describes how something happens?

A. She always goes to the park.

B. He reads the book daily.

C. They speak softly.

D. We went there yesterday.

The girl ________________________ to the music.

A. danced gracefully

B. smiled sweetly

C. dressed beautifully

I thought the movie was going to be boring, but ___ I really enjoyed it.

A. right now

B. actually

What is the adverb?

She bought an expensive necklace cheaply.

A. bought

B. an

C. expensive

D. cheaply

What is the adverb in the sentence?
Peter neatly wrote a shopping list.

A. neatly

B. wrote

C. shopping

D. list

My brother always crosses the road ________ .

A. bitterly

B. strongly

C. carefully

D. broadly

What is the adverb in the sentence below?

The roller coaster ended abruptly and scared everyone on it.

A. Ended
B. Roller coaster
C. Scared
D. Everyone
E. Abruptly

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers that you think is correct by clicking on the available options, then press "Check answer" button.

Tips : If this page always shows the same questions, make sure you correct the question first by pressing the "check answer" button.