Geography Quiz
Preview 20 Quizzes about Geography
What is the instrument used to measure earthquakes?
A. Quake meter
B. Seismograph
C. Barometer
D. Wind vane
What is the time required for the Earth to return to a given orbit with reference to a fixed solar star?
A. Lunar year
B. Solar year
C. Tropical year
D. Sidereal year
What type of eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon?
A. Solar eclipse
B. Lunar eclipse
C. Eclipse of the Earth
D. Eclipse
Which of the following is the most abundant element on the earth’s crust?
A. Iron
B. Oxygen
C. Silicon
D. Nitrogen
What is the shape of the Earth called?
A. Circular
B. Geiod
C. Sphere
D. Gae
The point directly within the Earth where earthquakes originate is called…
A. Comma
B. Origin
C. Focus
D. Epicenter
The Niagara Falls are in…
A. North America
B. South America
C. Africa
D. Europe
What’s the capital of the USA?
A. Boston
B. New York
C. Los Angeles
D. Washington DC
Which South American country has the largest population?
A. Argentina
B. Brazil
C. Colombia
D. Peru
The first person to sail around the world was…
A. Neil Armstrong
B. Isaac Newton
C. Ferdinand Magellan
D. Pavlov Michael
What’s the longest river in Africa?
A. The Congo
B. The Nile
C. The Amazon
D. The Niger
Which country is this?
A. The UK
B. Indonesia
C. New Zealand
D. Iceland
Which of these islands is biggest?
A. Madagascar
B. Honshu
C. Greenland
D. Cuba
What of the following proves that the Earth is spherical?
A. Visibility of ships at sea
B. The stars
C. The moon and sun
D. Difference in timezones
The Core of the earth is made up of…
A. Mainly of iron in the liquid form
B. Mainly of nickel in the liquid form
C. Both iron and silica in the liquid form
D. Both iron and magnesium in the plastic state
What is the name of the major desert in North Africa?
A. The Arabian Desert
B. The Kalahari Desert
C. The Gobi Desert
D. The Sahara
Which country’s flag is this?
A. France’s
B. Switzerland’s
C. Poland’s
D. England’s
What is the time difference between longitudes?
A. 4 minutes
B. 6 minutes
C. 1 hour
D. 10 minutes
What’s the biggest ocean in the world?
A. The Atlantic Ocean
B. The Arctic Ocean
C. The Indian Ocean
D. The Pacific Ocean
Mount Everest is on the border between China and which country?
A. Nepal
B. India
C. Russia
D. Vietnam
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