Spelling Quiz
Preview 20 Quizzes about Spelling
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Inaculate
B. Inoculate
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Marshal
B. Marshall
Which is the correct spelling?
A. Activate
B. Activete
C. Acktivate
D. Actavate
E. Actavaite
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Emma took a cookie when no one was watcheing.
A. watching
B. waching
C. wawching
Fill in the blank:
“I cannot believe ______ coming over!”
A. Their
B. There
C. They’re
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Categary
B. Catagory
C. Category
D. Catigory
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Propelar
B. Propeler
C. Propeller
D. Propellar
E. Propellore
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
There are meny people at the movie.
A. manny
B. many
C. meany
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Corespondence
B. Correspondance
C. Correspondence
D. Correspondince
E. None of the above
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Bullatin
B. Bulettin
C. Bullettin
D. Buletin
E. Bulletin
Fill in the blank:
“I ____________ for that inconvenience to you.”
A. Apollogize
B. Appologize
C. Applogise
D. Apologize
E. Apalogize
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Severely
B. Severly
C. Severaly
Fill in the blank:
“I would be happy to ______ you.”
A. Assisst
B. Assit
C. Asist
D. Assist
E. Assest
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Agression
B. Aggression
C. Aggresion
D. Aggresion
E. Aggretion
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Congradulations
B. Congratulations
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Hannah swims with great spede.
A. spead
B. speed
C. speede
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Heros
B. Heroes
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Imediatley
B. Immediatley
C. Immediately
D. Imediately
E. None of the above
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Their dog waged its tail.
A. wagged
B. waggd
C. wagd
Which is the correct spelling of the word…
A. Collonel
B. Colanel
C. Colonel
D. Collonil
E. Colonal
How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers that you think is correct by clicking on the available options, then press "Check answer" button.
Tips : If this page always shows the same questions, make sure you correct the question first by pressing the "check answer" button.