Grammar Quiz

Type of Sentences Quiz

Preview 20 Quizzes about Type of Sentences

Mr. Greer is my favorite teacher.

A. Imperative
B. Declarative
C. Interrogative
D. Exclamatory

“Do you know where my iPod is?” is an example of what kind of sentence?

A. Declarative
B. Imperative
C. Interrogative
D. Exclamatory

“Pepperoni pizza is my favorite food.” is an example of what kind of sentence?

A. Declarative
B. Imperative
C. Interrogative
D. Exclamatory

Identify the type of sentence below.

“Then where’s the cannon?” (Collins 158)

A. Declarative
B. Exclamatory
C. Imperative
D. Interrogative

Most workers found better jobs after the factory closed _

A. ? Interrogative
B. . Declarative
C. ! Exclamatory
D. . Imperative

We turn back to face the crowd as the anthem of Panem plays. (Collins 33)

A. Declarative
B. Exclamatory
C. Imperative
D. Interrogative

How many students are in your class _

A. . Declarative
B. . Imperative
C. ? Interrogative
D. ! Exclamatory

Identify the sentence type.

Clean your room right now, Jimmy!

A. Declarative
B. Exclamatory
C. Imperative
D. Interrogative

The following sentence is a _____________.Ms Martin went to the store.

A. Imperative
B. Declarative
C. Interrogative
D. Exclamatory

How many students are in your class _

A. . Declarative
B. . Imperative
C. ? Interrogative
D. ! Exclamatory

Kristi’s red hair was streaked with gold.

A. Imperative
B. Interrogative
C. Declarative
D. Exclamatory

May I have a pencil?

A. Interrogative
B. Imperative
C. Declarative
D. Exclamatory

That’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard!

A. Imperative
B. Interrogative
C. Declarative
D. Exclamatory

When Marcia was treasurer of her class last year, she was also president.

A. Simple sentence
B. Compound sentence
C. Complex sentence
D. Compound-complex sentence

Would she strike out, or would she make a miraculous hit

A. Declarative
B. Interrogative
C. Exclamatory
D. Imperative

What thoughts fill her waking hours? What dreams come to her at night? (Collins 54)

A. Declarative
B. Exclamatory
C. Imperative
D. Interrogative

Marcia, who is my sister, was treasurer of her class last year; this year she is president.

A. Simple sentence
B. Compound sentence
C. Complex sentence
D. Compound-complex sentence

Wasn’t that an exciting ending to our ball game

A. Declarative
B. Interrogative
C. Exclamatory
D. Imperative

“The house is on fire!” is an example of what kind of sentence?

A. Declarative
B. Imperative
C. Interrogative
D. Exclamatory

This is the first time that I’ve had bad food at this restaurant __

A. ? Interrogative
B. . Declarartive
C. ! Exclamatory
D. . Imperative

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers that you think is correct by clicking on the available options, then press "Check answer" button.

Tips : If this page always shows the same questions, make sure you correct the question first by pressing the "check answer" button.