Grammar Quiz

Modal and Phrasal Verbs Quiz


The flowers … a nice smell.

A. Gave off

B. Gave on

C. Gave out

D. Gave up

When was the institute …?

A. Set up

B. Run up

C. Made up

I understand it very well. You … explain further.

A. Mustn’t

B. Needn’t

C. Wouldn’t

D. Shouldn’t

I’ll ….. go now. My friends are waiting.

A. Be able to

B. Have to

C. Need

D. Must

My check-up results indicate that I have to —- all my bad habits at once.

A. Keep on

B. Let down

C. Give up

D. Bring up

It was the principle of the tiling. People ….. to keep their words.

A. Are able

B. Should

C. Have

D. Ought

I didn’t …. to get up early, so I didn’t.

A. Must

B. Need

C. Should

D. Ought

I was surprised that she ….. say such rude words.

A. will

B. should

C. would

D. must

The price of the car has … by half every year.

A. Come down

B. Make up

C. Come down with

If you want to become a teacher, you …… go to teachers training college for four years.

A. Have to

B. Should

C. May

D. Must

The situation was bad
but it …. be worse.

A. should be

B. could have been

C. could

D. would have been

The author has just … a new detective story.

A. Brought up

B. Brought in

C. Brought out

D. Brought round

He can’t … his mind about what to do next.

A. Make up

B. Make out

C. Make in

D. Make with

Take an umbrella. It …. rain later.

A. Can

B. Might

C. Would

D. Should

The weather in winter really  … me … .

A. Takes …. up

B. Calls … for

C. Gets … down

The dustmen are coming to … the rubbish.

A. Take down

B. Take off

C. Take out

D. Take away

Don’t stop, … doing the exercise.

A. Carry on

B. Come up with

C. Run out off

Why don’t you … judo?

A. Call for

B. Take up

C. Make up

I tried to … all day long, but nobody answered the phone.

A. Get through

B. Get along with

C. Get by

Hello, … I speak to Tom, please?

A. Will

B. Shall

C. Can

D. Would

….. you like a cup of coffee?

A. Will

B. Could

C. Would

D. Should

… I have one of these cakes?

A. Could

B. Must

C. Have to

D. May

My grandfather …. speak six languages many years ago.

A. Should

B. Could

C. Need

D. Shall

Kris …. be able to help them.

A. might

B. Could

C. Should

D. Shall

I have to _______ to the finish line and back.

A. Run away

B. Run

C. Run out of


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