Grammar Quiz

Modals and Comparative Superlative Quiz


students ………… take exam twice a year.

A. may

B. must

C. need to

D. can

In order to open the door, the former door _____________ be kept shut.

A. could

B. must

C. can

D. has to

You ____________ apply for another job because the boss signed your contract

A. musn’t

B. needn’t to

C. can’t

D. may not

ı ……….. ride a bike.I always fall off

A. cant

B. can

C. should

D. could

elephant are ……….. animals

A. heavier than

B. the heaviest

A rock is ………. a leaf.

A. heavier than

B. the heaviest

I ____________ bring some money to school because we use cards instead of money.

A. don’t need to

B. cant

C. musn’t

D. may not

sorry ı ……… come yesterday

A. cant

B. musnt

C. dıdnt have to

D. couldnt

sam is …….. in the class

A. taller than

B. the tallest

she is ………… girl ın the world

A. more beautiful than

B. the most beautiful

A lion is ……….. a cat.

A. faster than

B. the fastest

You look ill. You ………….. see the doctor.

A. shouldn’t

B. could

C. can

D. should

you ……. walk on the grass ın the park

A. cant

B. must

C. can

D. shouldnt

I forgot my keys at my friends house so I ___________ go to my neighbour’s.

A. can

B. must

C. have to

D. should

ıt is …………. shop in the town

A. bigger than

B. the biggest

…… help me with my bags ?

A. must

B. should

C. can

D. have to

the princess is ………….. the witch

A. more beautiful than

B. most beautiful


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