Grammar Quiz

[ Articles ]

I want to be an astronaut and travel to _______ moon.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. –

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Grammar › View

Weather reporters have to give out a lot of information. That’s why they use pictures. The pictures help them tell us about the weather without using so many words. Weather reporters need to know where the cold air is. They need to know where the warm air is. They have to know where it is raining and what types of clouds are in the area. Their reports need to be correct, but they also need to be short. The pictures help weather reporters get the information out in a fast way.

Which sentence best describes the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Weather reporters need to know where the cold air is

B. Pictures help weather reporters get information out in a fast way

C. Their reports need to be correct, but they also need to be short

D. They have to know where it is raining and what types of clouds are in the area

Simple Present Tense › View

He ____________ TV in the living room.

A. Watch
B. Watchs
C. Watches

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.